This morning has been a mixture of amazing news and progress but also sadness.
My mother was talking to me on skype this morning, and during so she broke down, and she explained one of my family's four cats had died, this cat was ill for a few weeks and was starting to suffer so, once treatment failed she was put down.
This is a Cat I grew up with since I was 12, I'm touching 26 now, so that cat had a good 13 year life, I thought I'd be more upset, and I don't want my parents thinking I'm cold or anything but I accept things have a lifespan and that dying is just as natural as being born.
So I am saddened by this event, but I'm certain that the cat "saffy" had a great life and gave me some fun memories.
I rushed over to my mothers, I'm not a fan of seeing anyone cry, let alone my parents so I thought if I went over I could just talk to her and take her mind off things, her cats mean the world to her so for her it is like losing not only a friend but also family.
During all this I had called my girlfriend to discuss with her father about a possible loan I was considering, it is only 3% but I hate loans, and I hate being in debt.
After a discussion it became apparent that it was important to get this loan out as soon as possible so that I can capitalize in peak market times (spring /summer).
I also got various other products finished today so it is just a case of getting the equipment and starting off the process to success!
When I heard the news of the cat, I was at first surprised and sad, I had so many other things going wrong at once I got a little down thinking about it, then my girlfriend said something to me and it got me thinking, she said "Times like these are just to test your determination" and for the first few seconds I thought about how that statement made little sense until it clicked, in a way it did make sense.
I can't let things get me down that are out of my control, and neither should you reader!
When times get tough think about why worrying about such things might cause a lapse in productivity, I'm not telling you to be cold hearted but just to see things in the logical perspective they exist.
For example, in the morning I had various financial issues to deal with, like raising capital for investment grants or getting a low rate loan.
I could have sat there for hours worrying and weighting pros and cons but ultimately their was only one choice.
To get the investment grant, I'd need to match it, so in theory raise half the capital myself, to do this would require a few months of a full time job, which I'm happy to do for the long term goal.
However, this is and was the deciding factor for getting a loan, I need that cash now, and I need to start the business in may, this means that the time taken to gather capital will over shoot the business plan and also most importantly over shoot into peak season.
So I had no choice really, and once I'd come to that decision it felt like the weight from my shoulders was lifted.
So sometimes, what I'm saying is that you just need to look at your problems in a logical manner, write down how they effect you, what caused them and soon enough a soultion will come knocking at your door.
Also another thing I learned is to READ what you type, I type so much that 90% of the time its jibberish or worded incorrectly.
For example in a Facebook post I wrote something along the lines of "I was not affected as my parents had hoped" (talking about the cat) What I actually meant was I was not as distraught about the situation, probably from my perception, and felt that perhaps I should have been more for them, as it might have seemed I did not care.
Anyway luckily my brother wrote that I should not write stupid things as it might upset them, and he was right, how it was worded was completely wrong!
Anyway, I'm sure he knows that is not what I meant, but just have to keep an eye on what I type as I type as fast as I speak, sometimes words translate badly intention.
Anyway luckily my brother wrote that I should not write stupid things as it might upset them, and he was right, how it was worded was completely wrong!
Anyway, I'm sure he knows that is not what I meant, but just have to keep an eye on what I type as I type as fast as I speak, sometimes words translate badly intention.
With this day over (almost) time for the health bit.

DAY 35:
Pop tarts
DAY 35:
Pop tarts
1 glass of milk
1 pint of mineral water with lemon
Two slices of toast.
Had steak and steamed potato's at my parents house.
Day 30:
Weights 20 minutes, nothing really impressive.
Day 30:
Weights 20 minutes, nothing really impressive.
Light bike ride
Last message
"To unpathed waters, undreamed shores"
-William Shakespeare
A nice feel good song to end with.
Peace out you beautiful readers!

Ahhh Lena can be very wise :D That happened to Luke as well. Cat was getting very old, around 13 too, so was only a matter of time. He was sad but not overly so, I guess. ^^