Madness has arrive in this second week, I've had some serious schedule disruptions, its effected my diet, my moral and even my sleep.
What caused this? well I think it was some serious schedule issues, sometimes things happen that cause disruption, my advice is to fix it instantly and don't wait.
I used the old "I'll get it all sorted tomorrow" and it never happened and things just got more and more disturbed, and the chain of effect got bigger and bigger.
Today I spent all my time re arranging and getting things back on track for tomorrow, which has been successful.
I sometimes think about all the times I had put things off in the past, because I couldn't see the effects that came from putting the said thing off.
Really I suppose it is very wise to think about what possible outcomes can arise form putting off something.
Today I could have panicked and just thought it was all falling apart, but after some thinking I managed to get it all straightened out, and that is an important lesson!
Life will not always go to plan, it's not how well we follow our plans, but how well we save them when we falter.
I guess following a plan is like making food from a recipe, sometimes you follow the steps perfectly but maybe your missing an ingredient.
instead of abandoning the recipe its wiser to look at how to solve the problem, either by adding a substitute or buying the ingredient.
Working a way around a problem is far better on a evolutionary scale than avoiding the problem all together!
So today was interesting, not productive, but productive at the same time, big plans are taking shape and as a direction, life is moving steadily in the direction I wanted it to.
This quote ties in nicely:
“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”
- Marianne Williamson
Today has turned up something else interesting, it is apparent that since using the weights frequently during the day, my appetite has risen to accommodate the extra workload.
Ok enough about me, I was watching a TV show this morning called "Jeremy kyle" which has people go on and discuss problems and take lie detector tests etc, a lot like Jerry springer in the late nighties.
It had a weathered woman who looked like she was in her early sixties, she was in fact in her early forties and had a serious addiction to heroin.
I try to watch things with an open mind, it would be easy for me to sit there and say she was a bad person or that she was foolish, but deep down she would have already known this, addiction takes many forms and if it was easy to beat then it would not have become an addiction to start with.
She was making every excuse under the sun, and ultimately saying she would quit when she was ready, implying that if she was "ready" that she could just quit.
But as most of us know that is not how it works, she will never be ready in that sense.
The best thing that could happen would be her forced to quit, in other words taken off it, locked in a room and given methadone.
People would say your abusing her human rights to lock her away. Human what? you think that human rights are real?
They are a fictional concept, a nice concept but still fictional, we have to realise that it is an illusion.
Look up "Japanese Americans" in nineteen forty two, that should give you an overview of the so called rights.
"Rights aren't rights if they can be taken away, they become privileges, there is a bill of privileges" -George carlin
Its simple, the woman would eventually be off the drug, and the drugs grip would be lost on her, she could start fresh, and give herself the best possible start, or she could never be ready to quit, and die a lot younger with financial difficulty with her family remembering her dying thanks to the drug.
I think laziness, and habits become an addiction, and I think its up to use to say to ourselves that enough is enough, I'll never be in that position to make this easier, so I need to change today.
That strength of mind to take action and to try re-claiming your life, is by far a better option than just not trying.

DAY 12:
Cereal- branflakes (was busy trying to sort out schedule)
Half pint of Blueberry juice.
Toast (was super busy still)
A 1/3 of a pizza express pizza I bought from a supermarket, it's saturated fat count was very low for a pizza so I decided to treat myself)
1 Pint of cranberry and blueberry drink on ice.
2 pints of beer and two jack daniels and coke (at a pub celebrating my mate passing his driving test *he is much younger than me*)
Day 12:
(same as Day 11)
Full day of upper body weights, bench presses, crunches, incline dumbbell curls, abs turner.
Noticed a rep increase due to adaptation.
Last message

Its too late in the night to write much here, I got back late from the celebrating, remember to keep with it, tackle any problems and stay strong!
Peace you beautiful, beautiful readers.

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