Well, the weekend is over, and I created something, I had planned to unveil it over the weekend but I just had no time to.
Anyway, I was thinking about something massively important to health, and that is hydration.
So I thought I'd create a drink that is healthy, tasty and more importantly packed full of juicy delicious things!
Now, I have a natural dislike for fruit, not the flavour but the texture, so I wanted to make a drink incorporating fruit, minus the texture.
I used to east smoothies, and even make my own, but when you see the sugars in most fruits it will make you think twice, now the sugars in fruit are not complex if my memory serves me right, meaning they are usually used up in exercise and not stored in fatty deposits.
So I thought about the concepts of Ice tea, something that I love, and came up with this!
Cut and de-seed the papya, mango and peach (you can use any fruits you want) and I cracked open the coconut.
While doing this, get a large container, I used a plastic tub, and fill it with hot water and add two green tea bags (antioxidant) and add one normal tea bag for flavour.
As they are infusing add the sliced fruit and coconut milk into the water.

Infusing will look like the below image.
Once all the fruit is in the hot water infusing, cover with cling film to seal airtight, and place in a fridge overnight, a bit like a marinade, you want all the goodness from the fruit get absorbed by the water.
Next day, take cling film off, and grab a jug big enough to store the fluid, a sieve and I also used a light cloth to help not pass any chunks of fruit through.
Then pour the mixture into the jug, so that the fruit is left in the sieve, once complete put all the unused fruit into the bin if you have no use for it.

Just some shots of the filtration process.

Infusing will look like the below image.

I tasted it, it was weird and not very sweet so I added some honey, which has interesting restorative effects and non complex sugars.

So, Excluding my other alchemy activities with glorified fruit salads, I've been doing plenty to keep myself occupied.
Weight is dropping off, thanks to a combination of conditioning my subconsciousness and from the actual dieting / exercises.
Think about the times you ask self defeating questions, when you say "I'm fat," or " I can't do this" change those to "How can I get thin, and enjoy doing it?" and "How Can I do this?" if you say that your something, you become it, so think positive but also think about the solutions over the effect.
its a simple concept, but it makes big differences to a persons psyche!
You know when your feeling unstoppable, or when your feeling like nothing can touch you, well think about what physical changes that makes, so for example a depressed person might slouch, eyes pointed down with shallow breath.
Now when your on a roll you stand tall, breath long powerful breaths and hold a massive grin, its because your associations are placed with your feelings, if you start to walk tall, breathing long powerful breaths as if your unstoppable maybe even with a slight grin, then you will defiantly start to feel that way as your brain is conditioned to feel that way when your body behaves like it!
Another thing, a test even, is to break the chains that lead to various states of mind, so, if your feeling like you might become angry, do something (and this is different for everyone) do something that will break that trail of thought and put you into a positive light, so for me personally, if I feel myself getting annoyed or in a place I don't want to be, I blow a raspberry or pull a stupid face, this will normally cause me to laugh and confuse anyone that is trying to put me in that negative mood!
I hope this concept and idea works for you, you need to really devote yourself to just changing the questions into a more productive meaning, look for solutions, not answers for whats wrong, more reasons for what is right!
DAY 17:
Cup of tea
(missed as I was running late for a meeting)
Pint of blueberry juice
morrisons child's burger, (tasteless mulch) (low fats and very small)
DAY 17:
Cup of tea
(missed as I was running late for a meeting)
Pint of blueberry juice
morrisons child's burger, (tasteless mulch) (low fats and very small)
Panini ( Bacon, Cheese, egg, guiness BBQ sauce)
Actimel (Blueberry)
Rustlers Chicken Sub (low fats and filled a whole)
1 Pint blueberry drink on ice.
Day 17:
Nothing today, too busy, need to sort schedule.
Last message

That is all...
Tried the Neuro Sports Drink today, It tastes great, only 35 calories and has an interesting amount of different "potions", check it out and let me know if you have tried them!
Peace, you beautiful, beautiful readers!!

I'm intrigued by your fruit infusion! I would eat the fruit afterwards too though :D i'm also contemplating swapping the green tea for white because i really don't like green tea.
ReplyDeletePlain water often is best for hydration but i appreciate some people don't like water on it's own and if you can actually get some nutritional value from what you drink, bonus! I drink loads of water and really notice if i haven't had enough,I get sluggish, unable to concentrate, headachey and grumpy, you're definitely right about hydration being important to health.
You won't really taste the green tea.
ReplyDeleteHydration is actually responsible for a lot of snacking urges some people get, its more that they are thirsty than it is hungry.
Hydrating also helps skin stay healthy and reduce blemishes.
Hydrating is just amazing!