Heard this gem on the radio while driving with the sunroof open, its a great sunshine song, enjoy.

Firstly, it was pretty vitamin tasting but not bad by any means, I was considering all the usual aspects and of course drank a sip and said "I don't feel happier" which is not really the right approach.
However it did make being happy easier, this could be placebo but I really do believe that half of the drinks effects have to relate to thinking about it, because each drink is named after what it wants to achieve you already have half the battle won!
When you think about any state enough you start to feel it.
So, it is ok as drink and accomplished what it sets out to do.
Why not give it a try, I rate it higher than Sonic, mainly because I'm not a fan of energy drinks any more.
I've been active today, not really any exercise, mainly because of the office still not being complete, or "The (not so)Secret laboratory" as I've been calling it.
Today I've learnt that its clever to look at the the forward and reverse drives in your life.
For example I'll share you my forward and reverse drives.
Forward Drives, in other words, things I value most in my life.
Success (appreciation for ability)
Adventure (Ability to have Adventures)
You might say things like, money, or good food, but these are the means to the outcome.
No matter what goal you do it is always to achieve a state, for example you don't want lots of money because you want pictures of the queen(in the Uk), it is because they can buy you things that lead to pleasure, so what you really want a materialistic pleasures, not money.
Now the two reverse drives.
Betrayal (from people close to me)
Disappointment (from not reaching potential)
From analysing these I've deciphered my main two problems that effect me today, the two sentences that hold me back from achieve my two main forward drives.
Can I really do it?
What if I fail?
Now I can't have the success I will achieve by asking if I can do it, and over thinking for each eventuality, and holding myself up, making sure every detail has been covered.
The second statement, what if I fail, will be the main reason that I don't take big risks, and with big risks comes adventure, because I still believe it is possible to fail, when really all that failing achieves is the knowledge learned from what went wrong.
What you now have to do, once you know what drives you, and what hinders you, you then have to make sure you think about each's outcome, what do I mean?
Well start looking at your drives, imagine how you will feel if you achieve those goals, think of what you will look like, how happy you'd be etc.
Then think about your hindrances, and what will happen if they continue, all the lost opportunity's, the pain and sadness as a result of those hindrances.
See what you have to do is associate more pain with the negatives, your brain will learn that they cause you pain, and the brain will do all it can to escape pain, hopefully helping you actually achieve your goals!
So for me, I need to change those two statements (now that I've attached pleasure to the goals and pain to the hindrances) to something else, I now have these two sentences.
I CAN do it!
I can NEVER fail, only learn!
See, an effective way to think, hope you can take something from this.
Health today has been difficult, I'm going to start learning some quick, lasting meals that can be dipped into in emergencies when you just have no time, much like I experienced today.
DAY 19:
Actimel Bluberry.
DAY 19:
Actimel Bluberry.
Nothing to eat, woke up with no time before a meeting (perfect scenario for learning some quick easy meals that rest in the fridge for times like these)
Neuro Bliss
Attempted these Cheese and sun dried tomato filled pasta, they were disgusting, so had skipped lunch (second time I needed a quick replacement)
Had some pasta and cheese and light mayo, filled a hole.
1 Pint blueberry drink on ice
1 Pint blueberry drink on ice
Grilled Sausage, potato waffle (for nostalgia) an egg and finally beans.
2 Pint blueberry drink on ice.
Grilled Sausage, potato waffle (for nostalgia) an egg and finally beans.
2 Pint blueberry drink on ice.
Day 18:
Nothing, except a few items of heavy lifting, been active all day however.
Last message
Day 18:
Nothing, except a few items of heavy lifting, been active all day however.
Last message
Short last messages are largely due to me running out of time, thanks for still reading this, I appreciate and respect people who wish to make lasting changes in their life.

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