it's not just a mere blog, its something more, I plan to share my experiences while under going a massive, life changing transformation. This page will be packed full of information regarding self improvement, health, fitness and general life skills that we as people require to get where we think we deserve to be in life.
So before we start I have a few important questions to ask:
1. Do you think that changing yourself to get through life better is fake?
In other words do you fall in the category of people that say "changing yourself is stupid, why should you change for anyone?"
I will explain why this opinion is wrong, unless you already live the life you always wanted. HOWEVER if your stubborn and think that no matter what I or anyone else says you will always feel that way described in the first question, then leave, this page is not for you but thanks for taking the time to take a look.
2. Do you think you know everything about living you life to its maximum, if you think so, then again what I'm going to be talking about will be pointless to anyone that cannot open their minds to a new concept, a new way of living, but thanks for taking time to read this.
Ok assuming your reading this, then you have what it takes to make your life what you want it to be, to be healthy in not only body but mind, a crazy concept being fit minded but its vital to achieve all your goals.
Reasoning behind the Blog:
This blog is as much for my own benefit as it is yours.
I benefit from writing my findings and helps me to solidly learn them and the concepts that follow.
you've seen successful people in your life, and I bet you you have thought to yourself "I'm way smarter than that guy/girl" well as much as you might think, intellectuality is not the cause of success!
We can create a list of reasons we "think" people are wealthy "Oh they had a wealthy upbringing" or "They were lucky, I've never had the money" you can create a massive list of reasons, and granted different environments give you an edge but its ultimately down to one important factor that determined a successful life, that factor is the most important power we as humans own!
I was once taught:
Goal setting!
"Without a goal your a Ship Without a rudder"
Now forget that, it is now Time management!
you can have all the goals you want but if you don't manage your time its the only thing in this life you truly have control of. "How you spend your time is how you spend your life"
Now forget that, the key to success in life is Discipline!
you can manage your time until your blue in the face but if your not disciplined nothing matters.
Its belief!
You can be disciplined, managing your goals with plenty of time but if you don't believe, nothing works!
They all in fact are the number one way to success, but its very difficult to try managing them all, there is one point, when you condense it all down, one funder-mental point that equals success!
Its not knowledge, there are countless people across the world, you defiantly know some of them, that know, they should change their life, they know but they still don't do anything about it, people with PHD's to people who work in supermarkets they all have elements of their life's that they want to change but do nothing about it!
most of us know what we need to change in our life's but still do nothing about it.
Remember this well:
"Knowledge is only its power to the extent it is used"
The Single most important power we have, the single aspect that determins who is rich, who has the body they want or who leads the life they desire, is The ability to act!
All the great people in this world have this ability.
Colonel sanders, you know who he is right? the Guy responsible for KFC.
Every US state that has a populous of 30k+ has a minimum of 1 KFC.
He was 65 years old, he was inspired by his first social security check, it was 99 dollars, he decided at that point that he no longer wanted to live like that, and he TOOK ACTION he thought what resource do I have, and used a recipe for chicken he used to serve in a restaurant.
He decided to offer restaurants his recipe for free in exchange for a cut of their profits!
But if some old man came to you and said "I've got this recipe and I want you to sell it and give me a cut of your takings" you'd have probably said no thanks and shown him the door, well He was turned away from the first place he visited, and the next, and the next and so on, he never gave up and he continuously acted.
Do you know how many people rejected him before he secured his first place? over 1000 over the space of 2 years.
Its action that lead to success, and the ability to make decisions.
I also learn't
"If you let learning lead to knowledge you become a fool, if you let learning lead to action you become wealthy"
Wake up tired? it effects your whole day, having the energy to make these actions is the first step.
If you wake up ready to go, full of energy, you give yourself a massive boost.
Can you imagine living a disgustingly boring life, that you look forward to only two days of the week out of seven?
Funny how a lot of people look forward so much to the weekend, and then during that weekend do things to yourself so that come Monday you have trouble remembering the two days you looked forward to!
Second step is digestion.
Digestion!? I hear you say, well Digestion takes up more energy than running, again your thinking I'm crazy and its concept is initially crazy, I mean how can digestion possibly be more draining than running?
Well do you run for eight, twelve, ten even sixteen hours a day?
If you wake up tired even when you have 8 hours sleep its because your eating in such a way that your body is constantly digesting and using energy to do so, if your digesting while your sleeping, then your actually gaining very little energy due to the digesting counteracting the restorative effects of sleeping!
The media has dictated that we eat way more than we actually have to, your eating should be in proportion to the amount of exercise you've been doing.
Smaller the exercise the less fuel we need!
If every day you filled your car with say £20 of petrol every 5 miles you travelled you'd soon reach the maximum that car would take, become heavier and less effective, now on the same note if you added £20 for every 120 miles you'd soon find yourself empty and the car unable to work, well you are the car and the fuel your food.
I've tried this, eating nothing a good four to five hours before sleep, I woke up at 6am, and for the first time in years woke up fresh and ready to take on the world.
So my challenge to you, is to start trying to manage your eating in proportion to the effort output. If you do this you will lose excess weight and be in a position to exercise the toning you might want to give yourself the body you want.
Next thing is I want to hear if your sleep has improved from creating an atmosphere to sleep efficiently.
NOW onto me, I have to Write down what I've eaten during this, I've got two days worth of data.
(From now on the personal details will be at the end of each post and will contain the current days data)
DAY 1:
1 Pint of Blueberry Juice (Heavy antitoxiant )
1 Bowel of Branflakes + sugar (I'm going to phase out cereals as they are a bad source of energy for the morning Breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day, media tells you its dinner.
1 Cup of Coffie 2 sugars.
1 Pork Mama (Thai noodles, not bad sat fats)
1 Stir Fry (Mange taut, Peppers, Dried chillies, ginger, spring onion, nut mushrooms shatarki mushrooms Chicken)
1 Boiled Rice (need to invest in a steamer)
1 Can of ChronicIce (hemp and green tea, imported)
Ate a Galaxy mini Egg and a cheese sandwich before sleep
Woke up Groggy and lethargic.
DAY 2:
Ocean Pie (Its Cod and prawns in a potato topping and cheese sauce)
Glass of water
Skipped (forgot was too busy with projects)
Scampi, beer batter chips, Broccoli and a slice of Pizza express margerta pizza (very low Sat fats, all oven cooked.
Large to make up for lunch.
Day 1:
Bike ride (1 mile)
1 Hour of Cardio (DDR)
Day 2:
Bike ride (1 mile)
1 Hour of Cardio (DDR)
Last message
I was discussing with a friend who recently tried to change himself, he tried to quit smoking, eat 1000 calories a day + a bowel of rice, and stop masturbating.
It was due to last a month and he lasted thirteen days, the friend said that the person in question claimed it was boring, but I actually think failing it probably killed him inside, if he takes action and tries again, and gives it the right attitude I believe he could really make some lasting changes, it was daily Vlogged and I think a contributing factor was the diminished views of his videos almost as if without our support it was just too much.
I was discussing how he tried to take on too much at once, and had not thought out the process so well, I give him my respect for trying to make the change but you just have to know what is achievable.
After it I went on to discuss how easy I found it to quit smoking, I just stopped in October so four months now, no cravings and defiantly no problem.
My friend said something to me about me stopping smoking that made me think.
"you didn't make a big deal about it, so it wasn't a big deal to quit"
It was a very well made point, by making these video blogs he added more pressure to himself, and ultimately made it a big deal and that big deal added to the already enormous task of changing so many things in his life all at once without first conditioning his mind that ultimately led to his failure.
Like I quoted earlier:
"Knowledge is only its power to the extent it is used"
His best bet is to read this, get back onto it but scale it down, making small but lasting changes instead of devoting too much time and energy to a massive amount of changes.
Thanks for reading this LONG post, they won't be this long but I wanted you to know just what it is I'm doing, and that I'm going to achieve the goals I set out, if you only learn one single thing from each of my posts it will be more than enough for me.

Dude, this is VERY inspiring. Its scary how you seem to have a similar writing/thinking style to me. I hope you will follow my (soon to be updated) blog. That way we can learn plenty and swap tips/motivational tactics etc.
ReplyDeleteYou deliver a great message and a great boost of motivation. Especially the part about digestion, I have been naive here, so I will take the advice given on your above post.
Good luck to us both bro! (Y)
Thanks, it means a lot to me if even only ONE thing is learnt from each post, I'll be certain to follow your blog, hit me up with a link on Facebook :D