Sunday 19 August 2012

Moving house, hence the massive void in posts, I have a LOT to inform you off when I return.

Until then, I took a personality test, here are my results:

Your results:
Perceived reward: (if you scored highly)
Being more attractive makes me happy
Being unconventional makes me happy
Being rational makes me happy
Serving others makes me happy
Being alive makes me happy
Dangerous potential flaw(s): (if you scored highly)
Elitist, shallow, lacking an internal compass/ethics
Discarding customs/traditions that have value
Ignoring/ignorance-of your gut/instinct/feelings
Being taken advantage of, ignoring self
Over contented-ness, over confidence
Dangerous potential flaw(s): (if you scored low)
Failure to contribute to the world sufficiently
Overly reliant on past wisdom/knowledge
Believing what feels right = right/truth
Cold hearted, selfish, asshole
Depression, poor mental and/or physical health