Today has been a day charged with progress, I decided that I'd get finished jobs that I had put off today, it is defiantly something I'd recommend.
Things in the house began taking up space that needed to be thrown out, a huge TV (broken) for example.
I shifted a lot of crap, found stuff I could sell that had no more use, and cleared space, I planted some indoor flowers as they always make me feel nice.
Sometimes I wonder what I'd be doing right now if I had not put my foot down to make these lasting changes, I'd probably be playing some video game, complaining I'm bored, still eating junk food and doing no exercise, while going to bed at 6am and waking at 1pm, complaining life was boring and thinking I'll never get out of this rut.
I'd still be thinking about small scale operations, little bits of income, and probably working some shitty low paid job thinking that I was sorted.
Obviously I've got a long way to go, but I'm seeing the results already, my productivity is up when I'm on schedule and I'm genuinely in a better mood each day, fitness has rocketed, and more projects in the pipeline (as well as the amount I already have).
Biggest hurdles so far are defiantly keeping the routine up, and not making short cuts.
I'm defiantly going to add more quotes, or should I say, start making quotes and how they relate in the modern world, a reoccurring thing.
"In Aryans' Discipline, to build a friendship is to build wealth,
To maintain a friendship is to maintain wealth and
To end a friendship is to end wealth."
-Cakkavatti Sutta, Patika Vagga, Dighanikaya
Friends are great for a multitude of reasons, friends can support you and can offer advice, friends also tend to be more willing to help you, a friend is a network, in which more friends can be gained.
You obviously have the pleasure of helping these friends too, it is far more rewarding than one might think, but being responsible for somebody else's success or being responsible for their well being will far out weigh the disadvantages that not having a friend presents.
"The more friends you have, the more favours you can ask" -Kikojui
In a business sense friends and contacts will be vital in your success, your ability to understand others needs, and tie them into your own agendas ultimately equal business opportunities.
Contacts and networking are the core to some business industries, and if people like you, or if you are more approachable than another person you will soon have a wealth of contacts, and contacts equal a lot of good things, intellectuality speaking its better to surround yourself with people far smarter than yourself, this way you will constantly be learning different strategies and ways to run aspects of your business.
Here is something related to interactions with others that will become vital in every aspect of your life.
"Our inability to stand someone results from our lack of cultivation" -Venerable Cheng Yen
Usually the reason we dislike people is not because of how they act, we might make our judgements by what we see, but what we are unable to do in most cases, is to discard that judgemental attitude and analyse a situation.
For example, you might have seen this guy before (in various forms) your shopping and this guy/girl complains because the item he wanted to purchase is not in stock, or differently priced, or not in the colour he/she wanted) soi what ensues is an argument, the shopper is ranting at the store assistant, and it from our view looks like someone who is not a pleasant person.
This is largely because we take the information given to us visually, and the mood he/she is displaying and instantly take a negative shine to the situation, walk away or just feel embarrassed or nervous.
But what is really happening here is a simple case of ninety nine percent of all wars, conflicts and battles.
There is a lack of understanding.
This guy/girl is annoyed, they have had a bad day from the start, they want to buy this specific thing for a present for a loved one, the website said it was in stock and in the right colour, so that person drove for a hour to the store that had it and walked in, this persons mood is low and they look around in desperation trying to find the item before the store closes, it is not there.
So frustrated the person walks to the checkout, the clerk says that the item should be in stock.
The shopper's frustration turns to anger, and the shopper raises his/her voice trying to say that the item is not there.
The clerk says that this must be a problem on the website, and that their is nothing they can do about it.
Frustrated, angry and defeated the shopper lets out his/her frustration onto the shopper, whom of course has done little to deserve so.
We see it at this point and make our decision.
Had the clerk sensed the frustration of the shopper the clerk could have made an effort to help, sensing that the message the shopper was really trying to convey was not a message of criticism, but a message of help.
The shopper has one goal, and if it feels like they clerk is uncaring it is likely that the situation would arise where aggression might show.
For example, the clerk could ask for the manager to discuss the problem, managers are trained to deal with frustrated customers and would have came across caring to the shoppers cause.
Whenever communication goes bad, and understanding is lost, people will not see the problem from each perspective, this causes neither side to know what the other wants and only helps them voice what they don't want.
Hope this is making sense, anyway, analyse people work out their moods and what might be influencing the way they feel, by doing so you will know how to react to different people in different situations.

DAY 13:
Cereal-Weetabix, and a yogurt
Pint of cordial juice
cup of tea (2 sugars)
Mince pie, with red peppers, broccoli and mash potato.
1 Pint of cranberry and blueberry drink on ice.
Day 13:
(same as Day 12)
Full day of upper body weights, bench presses, crunches, incline dumbbell curls, abs turner.
Need weather to improve a little before running can begin.
Last message

That is all...
Peace, you beautiful, beautiful readers.

I know what you mean by contrast of life style. Now that I don't sit munching kinder chocolate bars, drinking energy drinks and leaving my room a sty as I play WoW, I feel liberated and like I am living.
ReplyDeleteI keep my room tidy, clutter around you clutters and stresses the mind. You were saying about house plants, these increase the oxygen in the room and help keep you calm.
As far as friends go I struggle to become very close with people as I have a rather bad personality for the whole best mates thing. I'm paranoid and also can come off as rude because I can be pretty blunt. Rather fly solo but I do appreciate the people I do call friends.
Agreed with clutter and plants, caring for a plant, if your like me, and live without a garden, is a very rewarding process.
ReplyDeleteClutter clutters the mind, I've been looking onto feng shui concepts, I'll note my findings!