Today was mostly looking into costs and also creating more products, it is hard to talk about the business when I'm willing to reveal so little about it, there are many reasons for doing so.
1) I will be in a strong position if I can pull off the initial promotions, and I do not want anyone else beating me to the start line.
2) My parents have been largely kept in the dark, this is because I don't think they would believe me if I told them how popular this project could potentially be, so once I have real substance I'll let them know, this will also allow me to make decisions without guidance, this might seem a strange concept at first, but I don't want people telling me what I cannot do, more so people that know how much I believe in this and how it will work.
3) Friends have largely been kept in the dark about various projects, some believe this is due to me not wanting to make this a big deal, well guess what, it is a HUGE deal to me. The primary reason for the secrecy is due to multiple factors but all falls down to the head start, as much as I respect and know that nobody could really stand in my way, good tacticians will tell you the best fight is one avoided, so by doing it all this way I minimize my chances of things going pear shaped.
4) People around here mostly have little to no ambition and as I see day in day out the same faces, doing the same things I realised that I needed to craft my own path, my own way out of this cage. People in this town like nothing more than someone failing, and even though I will not fail, it would still be harder to do what I am doing if others are constantly telling me I can't.
Anyway as you can see, projects of mine only usually get revealed when they are completed, as that way there is a minimal risk of problems.
I often say to my single friends who also feel the urge to get away "Why not work abroad?" and it is usually met with "I don't have the money, or I cant etc" but a quick look online will show you that there is a massive wealth of jobs, some even provide accommodation, my suggestion is, if you have no ties, float away to another country, absorb some culture, think to yourself, if I never go anywhere, when I am 80 years old, will I regret it?
Right so Business, I've been pricing things up, various things that might be cheaper outsourced and looking at pro's and cons, also created some great products today!
Getting more and more excited as it comes along, tomorrow I need to look into various hardware and hope Princes Trust call / Email me with information about a low rate loan.
Some advice, if you want to do something, do it, don't think about it just do it.
The worst that can happen is you don't immediately succeed but learn from mistakes which help making your next try even easier, we all deserve the life we dream of, but dreaming alone or telling yourself you will do something will not achieve it.
You need to DO it.
Take action, right now, look online, or discuss with a friend, any type of action to start you off!
You can do anything you want, if what you want is anything you do! -Kikojui

DAY 36:
DAY 36:
1 pint of mineral water with lemon
A rustlers burger (was disgusting, but was fixing a PC and needed something fast)
Venison grill steak, oven beer batter chips.
Day 36:
Weights 20 minutes
Day 36:
Weights 20 minutes
Light bike ride
Last message
I'm not really religious in most senses, however, forgetting religion, this song is beautiful and sung by the late
Jeff Buckley
Rest in peace.
Simpley a song sung with so much soul.
Peace out beautiful readers!

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