Hello, it's me, firstly I have to- no, WANT to apologize for Friday's entry.
That's right, there wasn't one!
I had a busy day and somehow, managed to stupidly think it was Saturday, won't happen again and I'll explain why in a minute.
Anyway it's obvious that I need to make up for such idiocy, so I'll have some new health approaches for the Health section.
Back to the reason that I'll not get the days confused, I created a time table.
I know I've done this before, but I needed to take a whole new approach to time tables, the main problem was, I had crammed the timetable with a ton of information, so instead of conveying fast effective information it became a detailed report of my daily activities, and as a result it was boring.
You might be saying to yourself at this point "Well it's a timetable!? It's does not matter if it is boring" WRONG!
For all aspects of your life the only way to maximize your ability to do anything well you need to become excited about doing it, if you start associating too much boredom or pain to doing something, it becomes boring or painful.
So I had to take the concept of time tables back to its bare bones, how can I make this streamline, contain the detailed information that I need, as well as not making following it boring?
Firstly I thought about the format, it needed the days of the week on the left hand side, and the top needed the times of the day that the applicable activity's schedule.
So, I looked at other things that have to do something similar!
I'm a firm believed that to do anything well, firstly look at someone or something that does exactly what you want, and then look at why.
After about two minutes of thinking I realized that something we look at that contains a lot of data and also has to be streamline and simple falls down to maps!
Sure map's are hardly exciting, but the main feature that makes maps work so streamline is because of the minimal text, use of colour and finally and most importantly, a key to show you what symbols mean.
I toy'd with the idea of using symbols on the timetable, and have a key to reference them too, but that was also too complicated for what I needed, after all, symbols exist because there already is colour on a map.
So I regressed a step back and finally saw the most effective method.
Use block colours for each activity, I also linked colour to the activities feel, creating a mental link so that associating the colour to event was easier.
I have dark red for strenuous exercise, orange for mid level exercise and yellow for weights, green for food and blues for different work ending with purple which is relaxing time and finally pinkish purple for sleep.
My days consist from 8am till 1am(on weekends, 12am on weekdays) I printed the table out and its attractive to look at, I can see patterns to my days, and a structure that efficiently gives me three hours of exercise, six hours of work and three hours of relaxing as well as having time to eat and rest.
"A good set-up sets you up"-Kikojui
I believe that knowing what you should be doing, and when, maximizes your time efficiently and will give you less time to feel bored.
Becoming excited about work might seem a strange concept to some, but look at your alternatives, you either go to work excited or you go uninterested or even go not looking forward to it.
Either way you look at it, there are some constants, the most important of them follows.
Firstly, the main constant is the duration your working for (if your working for someone other than yourself) so regardless if your happy or sad you will spend that time at work, if your miserable your work performance will show this also all the time bringing your mood down, making you feel bored or worse still depressed.
How you feel is how you'll feel, so make yourself excited and you will be excited and work will not feel anywhere as bad.
What is the use being miserable at work, its not like you have a choice so why choose to spend it miserable?
Think back to a time you was excited about something, or did something exciting, I'm betting that it felt like that flew by, its true that when our brains are occupied with a pleasurable feeling that we notice very little else and gives the feeling that the time just flew by, its not that it flew by, its because your brain was pacing itself to your excitement, if your moving slow sluggish your brain will pace itself for that speed.
So today's theme is "alkalinity" its a not so much a concept but more a fact, if your body contains more acid, your body works harder to reduce the acid quantity and get your blood back to its correct state, I could talk extensively about this but I found a video that will explain it better than I ever can.
Keeping tabs on your acid intake will show you some underlying problems, for example I found myself getting a lot of indigestion , but since taking changes to reduce my acidic intake that problem has gone, I've switched from eating beef to eating venison as it has a low fat yield and also contains the least acid for red meat.
Anyway I'm suggesting to taker a look at the things you eat, and working out for yourself what you think you might want inside your body.
There is a lot of information on acid and alkalinity, once you have a grasp of the concept you can make some great lasting changes in your life!
I hope this will lead you to doing your own research into healthy eating and maybe sharing what you find, there is likely many things I've missed!
DAY 23:
Actimel Bluberry.
DAY 23:
Actimel Bluberry.
Two Crumpets
1 pint of mineral Water.
Rustlers Club sub (low sat fats, and is a fast snack)
1 Pint blueberry drink on ice
Broccoli, cheese, tuna and mayo(light)
1 Pint mineral water.
Broccoli, cheese, tuna and mayo(light)
1 Pint mineral water.
Day 18:
Nothing, spent all day making the schedule.
Day 18:
Nothing, spent all day making the schedule.
Exercise resumes tomorrow, weekend was full of exercise, so fear not.
Last message
Alkalinity is important, look into what it is you eat, make sure that you think about making your body function, without good health it matters not what you do, because whatever you do requires your body.

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