I had a massive overhaul of foods, bearing in mind some of the things I bought I kinda know I'll dislike, but figured this was my chance to tell you readers what I think works, tastes and adds well with foods.
Today I also picked up the last available "Neuro" drink to test, it's "Neuro Trim" and is the slimming option of the "Neuro" family.
Something else I purchased was litmus strips, they tell you your PH level, I could only get my hands on the very basic red and blue strips, which will tell you if your pee is alkaline, or acid.
You want to avoid acid.
The reason for the litmus strips were so that I could take tests during each day to see if my change in diet changes my alkalinity, and so in two days it has I know this as it was the last time I suffered from heart burn, which is caused by excess acid.
If you get heart burn often it is a solid indicator of having a high Acid PH content in your blood.
Alkaline blood carries oxygen around the body more effectively and also means the good vitamins you adsorb, like calcium, get placed in the body to do what they need to.
Where as excess acid in the blood will mean the body has to use those vitamins up bringing your blood PH level back to normal.
I believe that even with all the exercise I've been doing, and for a while this had me puzzled, is why I cant shift the fat I want to.
I'm not unfit, I can run ok, I can do strenuous exercise and handle myself better than the average person, but still the fat was not decreasing.
Well get this, fat will be kept and not burned off if there is a high, regular acidic input to the blood.
The fat we develop internally is used to protect the body from the acids potential damage, once the blood PH stays at a normal level the body will start to burn that fat up as it is no longer useful, add that with diet and exercise and the results should be fast, and more importantly, healthy.
I've set a goal of losing 1st 8lbs in 2 months, that is 4lbs a week, the recommended amount to healthy lose in a week is 3lbs, but I figure I'll give this a try since its only slightly over.
I also know that I might not get that weight drop thanks to all the weights, since muscle weights more than fat.
For example, since the last time I used Wii Fit (a terrible way to measure yourself) I've actually put on 2lbs in the last 21 days of diet, but I've shrunk in measurement, this is because of the muscle development.
I hope to get my diet sorted, so today I'll list a load of things I bought.
1. More Actimel (use it as a morning ritual)
This Explains that these foods, Actimal, Yakualt etc, have very little effect on the system unless you suffer from bowel problems.
2. A ton of broccoli, this is largely due to it being one of the few greens I can actually consume, and lucky as this is a real brain food as well as being very alkaline.
3. Fish: Bass, Cod and Tuna Steaks.
4. Quorn, Kieves and burgers (low saturated fat (2 grams, as oppose to 6.8grams for real chicken) high protein)
5. Rocket (greens I'll try adding to various things for the alkaline)
6. Another bunch of lemons and limes, they are dirt cheap, taste good in mineral water and have a great alkaline quality)
7. Eggs (Organic Free range) contain a very strong protein content with low fats and calories..
8. Mushy peas AND raw peas (to add to various foods, I find the mushy ones easier to eat)
9. Crème Caramels (nice treat)
10. Avocados (never tried them, got a feeling they will disgust me) but they are great aphrodisiacs and great for generally keeping your mood good, while giving good alkaline.
This was to name a few as I can't remember the rest.
Good food, and will provide me a good clean out, looking forward to trying it all!
I'll give you an overview of my day tomorrow so you can see what my schedules like:
Wake 8am, eat, dress etc, 9am Running, 10am get back shower, and work until 1pm, lunch at 1pm until 2pm(high protein), then weights 2pm until 3pm, then work until 6pm, eat again then finish eating etc at 7pm, 7pm until 8pm is weights and wii fit, then 8pm until 9pm is a personal project, finally 9pm until 12am is relaxing, sleep is at 12am.
DAY 24:
Actimel Bluberry.
DAY 24:
Actimel Bluberry.
Two Crumpets
1 pint of mineral water with lemon for alkalinity.
Rustlers Chicken sub (low sat fats, and is a fast snack)
1 pint of mineral water with lemon for alkalinity.
Sweet and Sour chicken, rice.
1 pint of mineral water with lemon for alkalinity.
Sweet and Sour chicken, rice.
1 pint of mineral water with lemon for alkalinity.
Day 24:
Weights two hours, Ab crunches, bench presses, bell curls.
Day 24:
Weights two hours, Ab crunches, bench presses, bell curls.
Last message
"Too often we are so preoccupied with the destination, we forget the journey."
Peace, you beautiful, beautiful readers!

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