Thursday, 31 March 2011

No time!!!

I have no time!! Curses, My flat mate is back form Florida and my whole day has been listening to her adventures!

Straight to the meat.
DAY 37:

Toast, sausage, beans, egg.
1 pint of mineral water with lemon


1 pint of mineral water with lemon


1 pint of mineral water with lemon
Half a chinese
Day 37:



Last message

A fortune cookie says "Some fortune cookies have no fortune"

Is this a fortune?

Peace readers! sorry for the short post :(

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Flavour? Pressure!

Yes a new section, this is because up to the launch of my secretive business I will be talking more and more about it and the experiences I have up until launch (claimed the blog name for it and will have it's own business blog)

Today was mostly looking into costs and also creating more products, it is hard to talk about the business when I'm willing to reveal so little about it, there are many reasons for doing so.

1) I will be in a strong position if I can pull off the initial promotions, and I do not want anyone else beating me to the start line.

2) My parents have been largely kept in the dark, this is because I don't think they would believe me if I told them how popular this project could potentially be, so once I have real substance I'll let them know, this will also allow me to make decisions without guidance, this might seem a strange concept at first, but I don't want people telling me what I cannot do, more so people that know how much I believe in this and how it will work.

3) Friends have largely been kept in the dark about various projects, some believe this is due to me not wanting to make this a big deal, well guess what, it is a HUGE deal to me. The primary reason for the secrecy is due to multiple factors but all falls down to the head start, as much as I respect and know that nobody could really stand in my way, good tacticians will tell you the best fight is one avoided, so by doing it all this way I minimize my chances of things going pear shaped.

4) People around here mostly have little to no ambition and as I see day in day out the same faces, doing the same things I realised that I needed to craft my own path, my own way out of this cage. People in this town like nothing more than someone failing, and even though I will not fail, it would still be harder to do what I am doing if others are constantly telling me I can't.

Anyway as you can see, projects of mine only usually get revealed when they are completed, as that way there is a minimal risk of problems.

I often say to my single friends who also feel the urge to get away "Why not work abroad?" and it is usually met with "I don't have the money, or I cant etc" but a quick look online will show you that there is a massive wealth of jobs, some even provide accommodation, my suggestion is, if you have no ties, float away to another country, absorb some culture, think to yourself, if I never go anywhere, when I am 80 years old, will I regret it?

Right so Business, I've been pricing things up, various things that might be cheaper outsourced and looking at pro's and cons, also created some great products today!
Getting more and more excited as it comes along, tomorrow I need to look into various hardware and hope Princes Trust call / Email me with information about a low rate loan.

Some advice, if you want to do something, do it, don't think about it just do it.
The worst that can happen is you don't immediately succeed but learn from mistakes which help making your next try even easier, we all deserve the life we dream of, but dreaming alone or telling yourself you will do something will not achieve it.
You need to DO it.
Take action, right now, look online, or discuss with a friend, any type of action to start you off!

You can do anything you want, if what you want is anything you do! -Kikojui

DAY 36:

1 pint of mineral water with lemon


A rustlers burger (was disgusting, but was fixing a PC and needed something fast)


Venison grill steak, oven beer batter chips.
Day 36:

Weights 20 minutes
Light bike ride


Last message

I'm not really religious in most senses, however, forgetting religion, this song is beautiful and sung by the late

Jeff Buckley

Rest in peace.
Simpley a song sung with so much soul.

Peace out beautiful readers!

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Troubled Tuesday.

It is Tuesday, and day 35 of this blog, time has gone by in the blink of an eye!

This morning has been a mixture of amazing news and progress but also sadness.

My mother was talking to me on skype this morning, and during so she broke down, and she explained one of my family's four cats had died, this cat was ill for a few weeks and was starting to suffer so, once treatment failed she was put down.
This is a Cat I grew up with since I was 12, I'm touching 26 now, so that cat had a good 13 year life, I thought I'd be more upset, and I don't want my parents thinking I'm cold or anything but I accept things have a lifespan and that dying is just as natural as being born.
So I am saddened by this event, but I'm certain that the cat "saffy" had a great life and gave me some fun memories.

I rushed over to my mothers, I'm not a fan of seeing anyone cry, let alone my parents so I thought if I went over I could just talk to her and take her mind off things, her cats mean the world to her so for her it is like losing not only a friend but also family.

During all this I had called my girlfriend to discuss with her father about a possible loan I was considering, it is only 3% but I hate loans, and I hate being in debt.
After a discussion it became apparent that it was important to get this loan out as soon as possible so that I can capitalize in peak market times (spring /summer).

I also got various other products finished today so it is just a case of getting the equipment and starting off the process to success!

When I heard the news of the cat, I was at first surprised and sad, I had so many other things going wrong at once I got a little down thinking about it, then my girlfriend said something to me and it got me thinking, she said "Times like these are just to test your determination" and for the first few seconds I thought about how that statement made little sense until it clicked, in a way it did make sense.
I can't let things get me down that are out of my control, and neither should you reader!
When times get tough think about why worrying about such things might cause a lapse in productivity, I'm not telling you to be cold hearted but just to see things in the logical perspective they exist.
For example, in the morning I had various financial issues to deal with, like raising capital for investment grants or getting a low rate loan.
I could have sat there for hours worrying and weighting pros and cons but ultimately their was only one choice.
To get the investment grant, I'd need to match it, so in theory raise half the capital myself, to do this would require a few months of a full time job, which I'm happy to do for the long term goal.
However, this is and was the deciding factor for getting a loan, I need that cash now, and I need to start the business in may, this means that the time taken to gather capital will over shoot the business plan and also most importantly over shoot into peak season.

So I had no choice really, and once I'd come to that decision it felt like the weight from my shoulders was lifted.

So sometimes, what I'm saying is that you just need to look at your problems in a logical manner, write down how they effect you, what caused them and soon enough a soultion will come knocking at your door.

Also another thing I learned is to READ what you type, I type so much that 90% of the time its jibberish or worded incorrectly.

For example in a Facebook post I wrote something along the lines of "I was not affected as my parents had hoped" (talking about the cat) What I actually meant was I was not as distraught about the situation, probably from my perception, and felt that perhaps I should have been more for them, as it might have seemed I did not care.
Anyway luckily my brother wrote that I should not write stupid things as it might upset them, and he was right, how it was worded was completely wrong!
Anyway, I'm sure he knows that is not what I meant, but just have to keep an eye on what I type as I type as fast as I speak, sometimes words translate badly intention.

With this day over (almost) time for the health bit.

DAY 35:

Pop tarts
1 glass of milk
1 pint of mineral water with lemon


Two slices of toast.


Had steak and steamed potato's at my parents house.
Day 30:

Weights 20 minutes, nothing really impressive.
Light bike ride


Last message

"To unpathed waters, undreamed shores"
-William Shakespeare

A nice feel good song to end with.

Peace out you beautiful readers!

Monday, 28 March 2011

Just another manic Monday.

This morning started badly...

Woke up incredibly late, 11am to be exact, and to stop myself from getting a bad sleep pattern I am going to set up an alarm to wake me at around 9am.

After waking and doing those morning antics, I thought I'd eat breakfast.
The fridge was partially bare, and the freezer also, I had no money so it looked like today I would have to skip eating, I figured I'd just work through it and think up something.
After coming up with a new set for my business idea I headed to the bank to desperately see if I somehow could magic money into my account.
By magic there was ten pounds in my account, this made me very happy, so I went and bought basic supplies, Milk, bread and also poptarts as a treat.

This made me think, without money, we have less power in this world than a primitive culture where they still hunt their food, we lose our appreciation for what we really do have, and mask it with very pale comparisons.
For example, without money, assuming you lived in a city how would you eat? (without the aid of someone else)
You could maybe hunt a cat or some kind of urban creature, but then you'd need the tools to prepare it, and the tools to cook it.
A hunter may seem like his life is hard, but really is it?
He has to live without technology, which in some respects is a good thing, and as well has to track his food, but unless his tools and environment are taken away he can always survive, ok sorry, he or she for those that demand political correctness.
It just made me think, a primitive race may not have technology to enhance their life, but they are also not bound by technology and modern civilization.

I think if I had a choice of freedom or the current urban life, I'd defiantly think about it seriously.

"Try not to become a man of success but a man of value."
-Albert Einstein

DAY 34:

Nothing... :(


4 Pop tarts, I was so hungry I just had to indulge.


English Breakfast, Sausages (80% pork), Bacon (trimmed), baked beans. 2 Medium eggs (Poached) and 2 slices of toast lightly buttered.
Day 30:

Weights 20 minutes, nothing really impressive.


Last message

A five second video showing how I feel when I wake up late.

Peace you beautiful, beautiful readers!

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Small information for small reading

Recently my flatmate has been on holiday to Florida, this has introduced me to the delight that is my coping system for loneliness. I wake, go through morning rituals and talk to myself while doing so usually having an endless debate or over analysing what it is I'm doing. Some times I talk in the third person narrative narrating what's happening like and old detective film.
So needless to mention I'm somewhat under equipped to handle lots of "me" time.
I just thought I'd mention some of the comical things I do to myself when alone for a period of time. I argue with myself over various design decisions, discussing the pros and cons of a concept which normally leads to good solid design solutions.
Then while cooking I might start to break into song singing about what I am doing, crazy I know but caught myself doing it today.

Anyway today has been mostly working on a project, So I don't have a lot to say, however I'll add some nice quotes that might help motivate and inspire thought.

Keep questioning yourself, its interesting how many things we do or follow that have absolutely no reason to be in our lives, if you find yourself saying, "well I like to do it" or "I just always have" maybe try and seek answers, you never know, something you have been doing might be holding you back and you've just always assumed it was the right thing to do

DAY 31:

Actimel Strawberry
Cereal Bran-flakes (no sugar)
1 pint of mineral water with lemon for alkalinity.


Some Rich tea biscuits Over shot lunch thanks to work

Halibut fish fillet, potato waffles (three) and Broccoli with rocket.
Day 30:

Small bike ride.


Last message

Lastly a song and music video I really like, helps me with concentration, it is not everybodies thing but take a look!

Peace you beautiful readers!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Working lunch.

Hello readers, it's day 31 of my life change blog, and before I get into the juicy bits of today's fruit squeeze I thought I'd take a moment to explain something humorous.

I woke up as usual, washed my face, looked at my enormous beard (Been not shaving it since the start of this so that when I do, I can see the weight loss from my face, bizarre idea I know) and looked out the window, its one of those sloped windows built into a roof side. Anyway After the normal morning rituals of washing and eating I sat poised at my desk looking at what I needed to get done today.
Some time later (lunch time to be more exact) I thought I'd go and have the weird pasta/sauce (tomato and cheese) and broccoli pasta bake thing that I'd made yesterday, so I got it out the fridge, put some into a bowel and microwaved it.
Then as I worked my mother contacted me via skype (she likes doing that, and to be honest I like the conversation) she talked about me coming over for dinner, which was korma.
I accepted as I had not planned what I'd have for dinner anyway and its nice to see the parents more than just the one ritual meal each Sunday.
So I set an alarm and biked to the house when it was ready, its a good 2 miles of hills and a good little exercise for me.
Anyway after returning home form the meal I felt a little tired and thought to myself not long ago (9pm) that I was really drained, so I decided to make a hot chocolate and drink that while working, I opened the microwave, my lunch was still there and as I laughed I saw on my worktop cereal that I was eating this morning before I emptied the bin. So, I ate half my breakfast and missed lunch! no wonder I was hungry!

Anyway the lesson learnt here is to make sure that food time is food time, I often eat and work, this will have to stop otherwise I'm working during times that should be set aside for myself.

probably not as funny as you might have expected...

Well before all the usual statistics here is what I feel the last 31 days have achieved:

1. Normal sleep pattern.
2. Loss of 1Stone 2lbs.
3. Good varied diet.
4. Consistent good moods.
5. A vastly reduced acid intake.
6. Headache reduction.
7. Physical fitness increase.
8. Asking better questions instead of accepting frustration.
9. Consuming more greens.
10. Eating regular meals.
11. Work productivity has vastly increased.
12. Finding no time to become "bored".
13. A lot more active, enjoying weights and cycling.
14. Less stressed.
15. Learning so much each day about maximizing my nutritional intake.
16. Discovered how mentality is 90% of the issue and how to spot negative emotional states.
17. Learned that to make lasting change you first need to condition yourself for the changes.
18. Learned to ignore those that are confused with your life changes.
19. Learned that some people won't change because they are not in a place to do so, no matter how much you explain.
20. The most important of all, I now laugh a lot! waaaaaaaaay more than before.

These things might seem trivial, but the amount of positive changes I've had collate to somehting I'm very proud of.

Now onto the statistics.

DAY 31:

Actimel Strawberry.
Cereal (half eaten)
1 pint of mineral water with lemon for alkalinity.
1 Neuro Bliss


Nothing, left it in the microwave.


Chicken korma (did not eat too much)
Day 30:

Bike to parents, 40 mins combined trip, harsh hilly terrain.


Last message

I'll update Again today, I just wanted people to know it was mostly through an insane workload that helped me not post!


This made me laugh, enjoy.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011


Friday, the day I yet again posted nothing, well I'll let you know what happened!

I was working through getting finances for a new business venture when a friend contacted me letting me know his company gives massive business grants out all the time, and what what I needed was some of the samples of what I'm doing and a small business plan.

I don't do things in small measure, so I spent from the moment I got that E-mail (10am) working on a business plan, now you may or may not know this but a full business plan contains some number crunching as well as outlining all goals, target audience and projected figures to name a few.
So I worked solidly on this, adding all the information that I could complete with cash-flow and break even charts. When this was finished it was 1am, no time for a blog.

The Weekend was it's usual relaxing awesomeness, and come Monday I started working on the samples to accompany the business plan, this also ran until around 11pm, and I finished the day off with a hour or two of mineccraft (A video game) .

Today, as the title suggests has become somewhat awesome, I've awoken feeling very refreshed, had a good breakfast, the sun is shining and as I type this in one window I have my current work making samples to accompany the business plan and the other typing this. Sipping on this Neuro sonic I feel somewhat pleased with my health endeavours and, also, more importantly where my mental state has gone.

I appreciate playing games now that I have rationed my time in doing so, I actually feel healthy, energized and excited.
I feel this is completely due to state changes, drinking healthy amount of alkaline has removed all acid reflex I used to experience, proving that this actually works, I enjoy food as I eat only when I'm hungry now, and do not snack at all!
When I work, I'm excited by the outcome, not challenged with the thoughts that work = pain, it is now very much a work = pleasure, and its showing in the quality of my projects.

Today I tried on some jeans I got a while back, they were far too small for me back then, and just to see if I had actually gone anywhere with my health, I thought I'd try them on!
Well I was pleasantly surprised when they fit, and this not only bolsters your mood but as soon as results start appearing, losing weight is easy, its he beginning where it feels like nothing your doing is working.

So my only real advice is to set goals that once you reach them you can see progress, and that progress is a reward. Rewarding yourself not only makes neurological associations that pleasure comes from the process, and now losing weight no longer feels a chore, but more a pleasurable experience.

DAY 30:

Actimel Bluberry.
Two Crumpets
1 pint of mineral water with lemon for alkalinity.
1 Neuro Sonic


Branflakes. No sugar.


Pasta bake, tomato, herb and broccoli.
Day 30:

Light bike ride (so far)


Last message

I'll update Again today, I just wanted people to know it was mostly through an insane workload that helped me not post!


Thursday, 17 March 2011


Morning rituals over, its 12:03 as I write this, it was close to a morning post.
Yesterday was chaotic, today will also be as chaotic but I'm looking at it excited, progress is being made with a business venture and if all go's to plan some really exciting stuff is about to happen.

Today has two main goals:

1. Secure Business grants and/or Funding

2. Further refine Business logo

Achieving the first goal is not as difficult as you might think, in my area of the united kingdom (Norfolk) the government has a organization called "Business Link" which is designed to help starting business get going, and help existing businesses curve cash-flows and effectively manage staff, while teaching a little financial literacy.

As for the logo, it is looking very promising, should make some decent headway today, have about twelve stages of development so far.

I promise I'll reveal more when its ready for that stage, most of the details about this will be pushed to the "winds of fate" blog since this is mostly a development blog.

Been toying with playing music that I associate different moods with to change my mood and so far its working, I would suggest getting an extensive list, as listing to the same 3 songs over and over will get repetitive.
Currently listing to some classic happy hardcore, its got an energetic feel good aspect to it, each person will have their own associations for what music creates what mood.

Been sticking to water with lemon slices, I can report I do feel a lot more healthy, I have once tried a just water drinking diet and I did feel hydrated but not healthy if that makes any sense.

Last night I had fish (Basa) it was average, bland but good texture, a solid Cod replacement for the industry, but I'll add that in the food chart, section thing that is normally at the bottom of the post.
I guess I don't have a lot to talk about in personal development, just keep thinking about how to motivate yourself, keep on top of thinking about what will happen if you DON'T do things oppose to the effort required to do something.
Also, you'll find people that will not want to support a radical lifestyle change, ignore all the haters for it is their lack of their education that leads them to believe that changing your life for the better is a bad idea, too busy seeing anything different from the norm demands for you to be singled out.
Need Some Motivation?

DAY 26:

Actimel Bluberry.
Two Crumpets
1 pint of mineral water with lemon for alkalinity.


Not had yet, will update later today.


Not had yet, will update later today.
Day 24:

Weights one hour, bench, curls.


Last message

Peace you beautiful, Beautiful readers!

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


As the title may suggest, today's summery can only be overdrive.

Today, my mood has been pronominal, no real massive reasons for such a massive change, maybe its a combo of placebo from the alkalinity intake.

During the course of the day, I've received lots of good news business wise, and as a result have had exactly no time at all!

So I'll write a post tomorrow in the morning.

Apologies for the lack of content, writing this takes out on average 2 hours of my day.

Peace, I'll update in the morning!!

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Diet Overhaul.

Good evening, I'm back and today's topic will still be mostly on nutrition.

I had a massive overhaul of foods, bearing in mind some of the things I bought I kinda know I'll dislike, but figured this was my chance to tell you readers what I think works, tastes and adds well with foods.
Today I also picked up the last available "Neuro" drink to test, it's "Neuro Trim" and is the slimming option of the "Neuro" family.

Something else I purchased was litmus strips, they tell you your PH level, I could only get my hands on the very basic red and blue strips, which will tell you if your pee is alkaline, or acid.
You want to avoid acid.
The reason for the litmus strips were so that I could take tests during each day to see if my change in diet changes my alkalinity, and so in two days it has I know this as it was the last time I suffered from heart burn, which is caused by excess acid.
If you get heart burn often it is a solid indicator of having a high Acid PH content in your blood.
Alkaline blood carries oxygen around the body more effectively and also means the good vitamins you adsorb, like calcium, get placed in the body to do what they need to.
Where as excess acid in the blood will mean the body has to use those vitamins up bringing your blood PH level back to normal.
I believe that even with all the exercise I've been doing, and for a while this had me puzzled, is why I cant shift the fat I want to.
I'm not unfit, I can run ok, I can do strenuous exercise and handle myself better than the average person, but still the fat was not decreasing.
Well get this, fat will be kept and not burned off if there is a high, regular acidic input to the blood.
The fat we develop internally is used to protect the body from the acids potential damage, once the blood PH stays at a normal level the body will start to burn that fat up as it is no longer useful, add that with diet and exercise and the results should be fast, and more importantly, healthy.
I've set a goal of losing 1st 8lbs in 2 months, that is 4lbs a week, the recommended amount to healthy lose in a week is 3lbs, but I figure I'll give this a try since its only slightly over.
I also know that I might not get that weight drop thanks to all the weights, since muscle weights more than fat.
For example, since the last time I used Wii Fit (a terrible way to measure yourself) I've actually put on 2lbs in the last 21 days of diet, but I've shrunk in measurement, this is because of the muscle development.

I hope to get my diet sorted, so today I'll list a load of things I bought.

1. More Actimel (use it as a morning ritual)
This Explains that these foods, Actimal, Yakualt etc, have very little effect on the system unless you suffer from bowel problems.

2. A ton of broccoli, this is largely due to it being one of the few greens I can actually consume, and lucky as this is a real brain food as well as being very alkaline.

3. Fish: Bass, Cod and Tuna Steaks.

4. Quorn, Kieves and burgers (low saturated fat (2 grams, as oppose to 6.8grams for real chicken) high protein)

5. Rocket (greens I'll try adding to various things for the alkaline)

6. Another bunch of lemons and limes, they are dirt cheap, taste good in mineral water and have a great alkaline quality)

7. Eggs (Organic Free range) contain a very strong protein content with low fats and calories..

8. Mushy peas AND raw peas (to add to various foods, I find the mushy ones easier to eat)

9. Crème Caramels (nice treat)

10. Avocados (never tried them, got a feeling they will disgust me) but they are great aphrodisiacs and great for generally keeping your mood good, while giving good alkaline.

This was to name a few as I can't remember the rest.
Good food, and will provide me a good clean out, looking forward to trying it all!

I'll give you an overview of my day tomorrow so you can see what my schedules like:

Wake 8am, eat, dress etc, 9am Running, 10am get back shower, and work until 1pm, lunch at 1pm until 2pm(high protein), then weights 2pm until 3pm, then work until 6pm, eat again then finish eating etc at 7pm, 7pm until 8pm is weights and wii fit, then 8pm until 9pm is a personal project, finally 9pm until 12am is relaxing, sleep is at 12am.

DAY 24:

Actimel Bluberry.
Two Crumpets
1 pint of mineral water with lemon for alkalinity.


Rustlers Chicken sub (low sat fats, and is a fast snack)
1 pint of mineral water with lemon for alkalinity.

Sweet and Sour chicken, rice.
1 pint of mineral water with lemon for alkalinity.

Day 24:

Weights two hours, Ab crunches, bench presses, bell curls.


Last message

"Too often we are so preoccupied with the destination, we forget the journey."

Peace, you beautiful, beautiful readers!

Monday, 14 March 2011

A good set-up, sets you up.

Hello, it's me, firstly I have to- no, WANT to apologize for Friday's entry.
That's right, there wasn't one!
I had a busy day and somehow, managed to stupidly think it was Saturday, won't happen again and I'll explain why in a minute.

Anyway it's obvious that I need to make up for such idiocy, so I'll have some new health approaches for the Health section.
Back to the reason that I'll not get the days confused, I created a time table.
I know I've done this before, but I needed to take a whole new approach to time tables, the main problem was, I had crammed the timetable with a ton of information, so instead of conveying fast effective information it became a detailed report of my daily activities, and as a result it was boring.
You might be saying to yourself at this point "Well it's a timetable!? It's does not matter if it is boring" WRONG!
For all aspects of your life the only way to maximize your ability to do anything well you need to become excited about doing it, if you start associating too much boredom or pain to doing something, it becomes boring or painful.
So I had to take the concept of time tables back to its bare bones, how can I make this streamline, contain the detailed information that I need, as well as not making following it boring?
Firstly I thought about the format, it needed the days of the week on the left hand side, and the top needed the times of the day that the applicable activity's schedule.
So, I looked at other things that have to do something similar!
I'm a firm believed that to do anything well, firstly look at someone or something that does exactly what you want, and then look at why.
After about two minutes of thinking I realized that something we look at that contains a lot of data and also has to be streamline and simple falls down to maps!
Sure map's are hardly exciting, but the main feature that makes maps work so streamline is because of the minimal text, use of colour and finally and most importantly, a key to show you what symbols mean.
I toy'd with the idea of using symbols on the timetable, and have a key to reference them too, but that was also too complicated for what I needed, after all, symbols exist because there already is colour on a map.
So I regressed a step back and finally saw the most effective method.
Use block colours for each activity, I also linked colour to the activities feel, creating a mental link so that associating the colour to event was easier.
I have dark red for strenuous exercise, orange for mid level exercise and yellow for weights, green for food and blues for different work ending with purple which is relaxing time and finally pinkish purple for sleep.
My days consist from 8am till 1am(on weekends, 12am on weekdays) I printed the table out and its attractive to look at, I can see patterns to my days, and a structure that efficiently gives me three hours of exercise, six hours of work and three hours of relaxing as well as having time to eat and rest.

"A good set-up sets you up"-Kikojui

I believe that knowing what you should be doing, and when, maximizes your time efficiently and will give you less time to feel bored.
Becoming excited about work might seem a strange concept to some, but look at your alternatives, you either go to work excited or you go uninterested or even go not looking forward to it.
Either way you look at it, there are some constants, the most important of them follows.
Firstly, the main constant is the duration your working for (if your working for someone other than yourself) so regardless if your happy or sad you will spend that time at work, if your miserable your work performance will show this also all the time bringing your mood down, making you feel bored or worse still depressed.
How you feel is how you'll feel, so make yourself excited and you will be excited and work will not feel anywhere as bad.
What is the use being miserable at work, its not like you have a choice so why choose to spend it miserable?
Think back to a time you was excited about something, or did something exciting, I'm betting that it felt like that flew by, its true that when our brains are occupied with a pleasurable feeling that we notice very little else and gives the feeling that the time just flew by, its not that it flew by, its because your brain was pacing itself to your excitement, if your moving slow sluggish your brain will pace itself for that speed.

So today's theme is "alkalinity" its a not so much a concept but more a fact, if your body contains more acid, your body works harder to reduce the acid quantity and get your blood back to its correct state, I could talk extensively about this but I found a video that will explain it better than I ever can.

Keeping tabs on your acid intake will show you some underlying problems, for example I found myself getting a lot of indigestion , but since taking changes to reduce my acidic intake that problem has gone, I've switched from eating beef to eating venison as it has a low fat yield and also contains the least acid for red meat.

Anyway I'm suggesting to taker a look at the things you eat, and working out for yourself what you think you might want inside your body.
There is a lot of information on acid and alkalinity, once you have a grasp of the concept you can make some great lasting changes in your life!
I hope this will lead you to doing your own research into healthy eating and maybe sharing what you find, there is likely many things I've missed!
DAY 23:

Actimel Bluberry.
Two Crumpets
1 pint of mineral Water.


Rustlers Club sub (low sat fats, and is a fast snack)
1 Pint blueberry drink on ice

Broccoli, cheese, tuna and mayo(light)
1 Pint mineral water.

Day 18:

Nothing, spent all day making the schedule.
Exercise resumes tomorrow, weekend was full of exercise, so fear not.


Last message

Alkalinity is important, look into what it is you eat, make sure that you think about making your body function, without good health it matters not what you do, because whatever you do requires your body.
