Today I'm writing a review on this product!
Well more specifically-
This one.
So I'm walking through a supermarket, a little tired and I noted this on the shelf (good work on the packaging for catching my eye) Firstly I was caught because I always pick up on nice design, good, well placed font, nice colour schemes on the flavours and simple but informative labelling.
I picked up the White tea, Ginseng, cherry and Acai berry flavour, mostly because I wanted the green tea one but it has pomegranates in it and they make me unhappy (taste foul in my opinion).
Anyway The bottle is cute, its a nice size, a little pricey at £1.89 in morrisons, but that is about the same price as the neuro drinks I reviewed a while back.
Each bottle is 330ml. so about the standard can size plus a little, so not much for your money either.
Well on the drive back home I decided to try this drink, now I don't endorse drinking a beverage while driving but I have a lot of experience in doing this safely, so I got the passenger to open it, and fist thing they noticed was the lid, on top of the lid it says "Drink to your health" a nice touch, showing that care has gone into the production of this product.
The drink smells amazing, fruity and with that after smell of tea, so with that I took a sip, it was smooth but light, fruity but subtle, not something I was expecting, I thought it would be sweet and have a strong cherry taste like most drinks with cherry do.
Great tasting, great smelling and pretty packaging, my only regret was the meagre size of the drink, This drink on ice would be a perfect way to rehydrate in the evening.
The drink "little miracles" is touted as an organic energy drink, and whilst I'd agree its a delicious, refreshing and invigorating drink it is only a "little" miracle.
If you can afford to foot the above average price tag for a top tier health drink then I completely recommend it to anyone!
Now because in this world I think you often pay for what you get, this applies here too, a fantastic drink, and even if its scraping below £2 it really is worth it for the benefits you will receive, a light perk in energy and the antioxidant benefits of tea and ginseng, if this was blueberry flavour it would me my ultimate purchasable drink!!
Taste: 9 Smell: 9 Texture: 10 *total* 28/30 (BONUS HEALTH: 8/10) *Bonus total* 8/10
The products website can be found >HERE< (will open in a new window)

It's Monday, and most people dislike it, because its the start of a new week and the end of the weekend.
The weekend for most can be a time of indulgence and relaxation, so maybe why not do some indulging during the week?!
For me, personally, I like to fill a bath half full, add candles and bath cream to help change the smell to something exotic, then I'll put the shower on and sit in the bath with the shower aimed onto me, it's the closest thing your going to get to sitting under a waterfall and I find it helpful because of one main reason.
It shuts up my brain, yup 24/7 I'm thinking about something and as a result sometimes I find it hard to relax and shut down, being under constant water causes that weird watery noise, almost like rain that drowns out the thoughts of the day and replaces them with inner silence, maybe this is why some martial arts choose to meditate under waterfalls!
Anyway I'm asking you, if you can (you need a shower mounted into the bath on a rail or whatever) to try it out!
Also I'd like to hear about how you, the readers like to relax and try out a few for myself.
It's been a long time since the first post, and since then we have had a massive amount of changes to layout, new sections and a lot of different titles!
I thought that I'd post up all the titles we have had to date, so that we can see the evolution of the design and feel of the blog, it's just me being sentimental.
1. The original Blog title, Kikojui, Evolution saga, I was thinking it would be a good idea to blog about my journey of transformation, and after coming with a scheme and colour style I decided on the logo, I wanted clouds and something resembling health, so we have this waterfall falling into clouds, weird concept really.
2. After the blog being up for 100 days I thought I'd commemorate this feat, by making the first logo change, well in this case an addition.
3.This was the transitional idea, saying it was evolving as we hit stage 2, it was like this for a few days and probably did not get noticed much, it was more for my metaphor of metamorphosis and ascetics than anything else.
4. Title 4, is the second phase logo, it was not just a logo transition as the background changed to match the new multicolour overlay, it was a nice change and a burst of energy added to the blog that was now starting to pick up.
5. This was again an addition much like number 2, to commemorate having reached 1000 pageviews, this for me made me happy as at least 800 of them had to be from external sources, and it meant I was getting exposure and more importantly, giving information people could come back to.
6. This was the introduction of kira and stage 3, a female friend and blogger who wanted to help add posts aimed at a more female audience specializing in fashion it was an exciting time!
7. A few posts later this design (3.1) and background change appeared, this was largely due to the new posts relating to fashion and those of health, signifying a change in blog approach.
8. The last logo, was designed to explode from the background much like how our posting frequency was exploding, using a parrallex layer it would seem like the background had a hole in it.
9. After some events, both me and Kira where unable to really keep our commitment to posting not only daily but at all, so for a extended period of time there was nothing.
Then I got into a position to re-start this blog, and try to revive it, so it was only appropriate that we changed the background and logo again, this time saying what I wanted to say to everyone "I'm back!"
And I most certainly am!
A little trip down memory lane for some, and for others an insight that this blog will, much like its topics, keep evolving until I can say that the main project is complete, I want to thank each and every person that views this blog, and even if a tiny amount actually post responses I know from the views a few of you might have learnt something or just indulged into some posts by a young man trying to make a change of his life, thank you very much indeed!
That is all for today, one last thanks, you beautiful, beautiful readers!

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