Good day to you!
I'm here, yup I'm not going anywhere are you?
I'll be serious for a moment, that last sentence is relevant to some of today's tropic, where are we going?
I'll level the playing field for a moment, my personal ambition in this life, amongst the obvious (marrage kids etc) is to travel the world, and more specifically I'd like to sail certain parts.
Another object of desire I have is to live out of the UK, somewhere warmer with dynamic climates so I can go on different types of adventures.
Most of all I enjoy culture and learning about different cultures, I've found myself at a position where to achieve these things I have to put into account other aspects, in other words its not as simple as getting money, and in all honesty it never is!
It's never money that people want, money is not real, paper has little value, it's the concept of using it to trade.
We don't want money, we want a greater pool of things available to us.
Money + desired trade + available trade = Trade + desired item / service.
Money is always a means not something really worth anything, remember money has a economic trade value, and this can grow or shrink by government and large scale corporations movements, now one could argue what's the point in this argument? without money in today's society you cannot get any items / services; and you'd be mostly right, but you'd be surprised how many people say they want to be Rich, or famous, but fame is only good for increasing your ability to trade, and rich could mean many things (we all know they mostly mean money).
Anyway, just remember money is not what most people actually want, it's the options to get other items / services.
Now I mentioned where are we going, well I'm interested in how many people think about their dreams? I mean if dreams were instantly achievable then most of us would have acquired them, and they would not be dreams! Dreams are mostly peoples extremes believing that achieving them to be difficult or impossible.
Well depending on the dream this is true, however I thoroughly encourage all people to try and chase their dreams, to not try at all is in my eyes worse than trying and failing.
I don't really know quite where I'm going with this, I guess I feel like times wasting away and I've yet to get into a position to make these dreams a reality.
Something I saw on my facebook feed I thought I'd share with you, not exactly healthy, but for its size I think its a nice treat for breakfast!
Something I thought I'd also mention, as a part of my new years resolution, I've given up ever eating (and its not that often) at a fast food place, and only eat at one Chinese takeaway once a month.
My weakness was Burger king, when ever I'm at Norwich picking up my girlfriend from the train or going for a shop / see friends, I'd always pop in and have something, and as I did this more frequently I realised that all this trips where building up. Now I'm not addicted to fast food, but I can see how somebody might be! so I thought I'd nip this in the bud, no matter what, no fast food (and I know technically Chinese takeaway is) but I love it so much and sometimes don't want to cook at home, this way once a month is a treat.So I guess I'll cover my resolutions next!!

Resolutions of 2012:
- No Fast food for the year.
- I will have the body I want by an event I attend in summer.
- I will make my business work, while working on another business.
- I need to lose my ability to automatically trust people and make it something earned.
- Go abroad, it's been too long since I was last away from the UK.
- Get in contact with other friend groups.
- Finally Evolve.
Got some reassuring news from someone working on this buisness with me, and with it a new hope that the website might finally be on its way to completion, I've been looking into various couriers etc, it's getting pretty exciting, Tomorrow I need to gut this office and get everything back to a smooth workflow.
Also have a pretty solid marketing strategy, so lets hope all go's to plan!
Since Christmas I'd been a bit down about all this buisness junk, but recently I realised, I am going to make this work and thinking about it anything that was my responsibility I've cleared with ease sorted out the initial Equipment mistake, sorted and built great rapport with the supplier, attended multiple buisness meetings with banks, attended buisness link free seminars just so I might learn 1 or two new things!
Anyway I've realised I have the drive, the commitment and determination (as well as stubbornness) to not only see this through but make something of it, and I assure you once the position comes back to me and I'm free to make my place, I will.Anyway it kinda for some reason reminded me of this song, and after listening I got re-energized and seriously up for making my name, re-gaining my pride and honouring my family who have helped support me financially. I can't wait!
Recently I've been having fun by playing boardgames, this is a new past time for me but I've already amassed quite a few boardgames in my collection, Risk was my first game, it was the orignal risk from some age long lost, its a simple and enjoyable game but a bit too broken on dice rolls.
Anyway my current two favourites are "Munchkin" series (Card game where characters fight monsters and collect items to race for the first player to become level 10)
And Runebound Second edition (out of print and hard to find, as well as costly)
Runebound says on it's back average 240 mins gameplay, we always seem to take 7 hours!!
It's a fantasy RPG boardgames, where players work against the game, racing to have adventures and beat the end boss.
Its a fun game, lengthy and should be played with alcohol and snacks etc.
The next game I REALLY want to get my paws on is "Super Dungeon Explorer".
Another thing I've taken a lot of solace in is Extending my photoshop ability, making new pieces daily, sharpening and learning new skills and improving workflow, since my buisness is very reliant in it I want to be at a high standard to provide great products consistently, I've used photoshop since my first year of college (2001) So I've been at that program for 11 years, much longer than anyone I know, of course this doesn't equal better, just more experience.
Anyway this post has become massive, and I apologize for taking too much time out of your day and hope this has somehow got at least one useful thing inside its plump contents.
Thanks for reading, and please comment, I know lots of people view this page, but without feedback it's hard to know what people appreciate and what people hate from my posts!
Have a great day you beautiful, beautiful readers.

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