Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Coffee post... makes no sense.

Today in between working I've been working more on my game!
For those of you unaware I've been slowly working on my own retro RPG game for the last...7 odd years 0_0.
I only just realised how long this has been going on for... wow...
Not sever years solid, on and off, flowing with the tides of life, if I'm too busy then it sits on the back burner.

It's been a long time, and its not really even fully ready for its initial demo. But once all the initial problems have been ironed out its just a case of adding content, and that is my strong point!

I'm not sure why I've filed this under adventure... but it is.

You might note that this post is around the 1:20am mark, and might be thinking that I forgot to post today, well I didn't I just posted late and I'll explain why.
The last week or so I've been finding sleep hard, not the act of sleeping, I fall asleep easily. But what I'm really struggling with is waking up!!

This morning was the last straw, I went to sleep at 2am  (a normal time for me) and I normally expect to wake at around 9-10.
I've been waking at 2. That's a 12 hour sleep! the last few days have been about 11 hours sleep and this is massively unhealthy for the brain and body.
I've decided to actually pull and all nighter and not sleep tonight. Instead I'll work on my game, watch a few films and drink coffee.
Come tomorrow night (or tonight technically) at around 11 I'll go to sleep and set an alarm for 8-9.

I'm also booking an appointment with my GP to see what the sleep problem might be, as well as finally sort my tooth ache out that I've had since September...

So tomorrow is a general body repairs day.

looked through and tweaked my original marketing strategy, looking at improved ways of making this business work, it can be done but I'm not expecting miracles, I'm expecting millions! (got to stay positive)

Another thing I've be looking at is my costings, since I started this project in early august the financial climate has changed drastically and learning where I stand in it today is going to provide vital information in correctly assessing and delegating funds. 

WHOOO (sorry that coffee was good)

I can't function to write anymore... its 2am!? where did 30 minuites go!?

Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye :D

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Late night RUMBLE!

Went to bed a bit earlier yesterday, to try and wake up at a normal time. over the last week I've been finding it very hard to wake up even after 10 hours sleep!!
Tomorrow I'm going to book an appointment with my GP, it might be from cutting my food intake down is causing me to become more tired.

Got a hold of multivitamins again to take with the ginseng and B12, also come Omega 3.

Cut my food intake as I've started "cutting" which is a process of increased cardio with less carbs, effectively cutting weight.

Had these a few days back, saw them in Tesco, and did the obvious idiotic thing and bought them for being pretty.
As you will know, producers make something look pretty for a reason, to sell it to dumb people like me, I checked the stats and it was not too bad, about 16% of your RDA in fat, for instant noodles is pretty good.

Anyway Once I got it home and opened it I noticed something, obsessive packaging!!

Once you open the box it peels away revealing another tub, with logo and same style inside, the outer packaging is pointless, you get a plastic fork with it, and the flavour powder and noodles.
When i added the boiling water to it I won't lie it smelt delicious, but this is not a positive review.

It only smelt good, it had no flavour, I mean that, none. It was so promising but it was just watery noodles.

In summery, nice design, pretty packaging, but ultimately a massive let down. I've only tried the Chilli beef flavour (what a joke... flavour). So I can't vouch for the other flavours in the range.

Taste: 0  Smell: 8  Texture: 5  *total* 13/30  (BONUS HEALTH: 4/10) *Bonus total* 4/10


Been Working hard on making sure the products are as strong as possible, I need to go over al lthe organising and workflow systems as well as get my stock sheet up to date. as a Treat here is a teaser of one of the Designs:

Note the word "FATAL", some people did not notice at first.

These guys, at 6 pack short cuts are not always that good, and this video will only apply to people that want to lift weights and not do so much cardio.

The thing to remember is that abdominal muscles will never appear as long as there is a layer of fat on top of it. You need to lose the weight through cardio and once you get to the 10% body fat range you'll start to notice them.
Belly fat is the first area of fat to appear and the last to go, so don't get discouraged if you don't have the perfect abs, it takes time, and dedication.

That is all the time I have tonight, sorry it's a late night post, good luck you beautiful, beautiful readers.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Short and sweet (and savoury)

Today has been mostly spent in the office, made a new design, got a large amount of the websites images processed and today has been good for productivity.

I'm looking forward to the day off the launch, I'm sure I'll have a big post about it trying to purswade people to buy my products etc.

Today, like the last few days I've just been reducing the amount I eat and increasing fluid intake.

Went for a run Sunday night, I had no idea how cold it was and with each breath the freezing air was tearing apart my lungs, when I got home I found myself coughing a lot and now have a sore throat. I'm going to have to look up tips in running in cold weather.

When I'm posting short blogs like these I'll  try and have something useful at the end so as to not waste your time.

Taken from /fit/ this is a simple list of some quality foods in each category! 

I'm sorry today's blog is so short, but I won't just not post, because if there is even one thing you can take away form this that benefits you, then my work is done!

Friday, 13 January 2012

Back from the dead.

Yesterday I was pretty ill, and bedridden all day (hence no post).
The last time I was even slightly ill was at least 4-5 years ago and as a result I don't cope well with normal illness!

I was making crazy combos to try and not feel ill, I had a sore throat, so first port of call, a pint glass of hot water, 4 slices of lemon, some manuka honey and green tea bag.
It helped with the sore throat, and tasted ok too, for me I just wanted to get as much fluid into me as possible, and sleep whenever I could.

I then had a fever and went from hot to cold very rapidly making sleep impossible, coupled with painful joints so I took a punt and ran a pretty cold bath, with bath salts etc.
once in the bath I'd constantly, but slowly raise the waters temperature until I was pretty sure I was bathing in lava. For me this removed my fever, could be just luck, but just saying for me it worked out ok.

Jellybear is one of my current favourite artists, originally going as Ridorii, this artist makes happy chip tune music and I'm lucky to say he has provided music for my business!!
This guy is amazing and I wanted to share his latest song with you, because I can.

I hope this guy go's far, I also hope to work with him further in the future

I've not had much fun in the last day and a bit, illness has bed ridden me and having little to do other than focusing on not throwing up all I had left was sleep, which yielded some strange dreams.

Firstly, living in the place I do, I really miss my parents cats, when I lived there they seem part of the furniture but in reality pets are really therapy.

I think all types of people prefer different types of pets and require different types of interaction between them.

Ok that's all I can do today because to be honest I've done next to nothing today, thanks for reading and hopefully I'll be well and back on track for tomorrows post!!


Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Skip to the end for useful bits...

Today has been uneventful, I need to get my sleep pattern on track and sort through work that needs finishing and more importantly, prioritise what needs doing.

I awoke very late today, couldn't sleep and finally got to sleep at around 5am, too many things rattling around my head.
There has been very little in the terms of life development today, spent most of the day thinking about what my available actions are, what I can and cannot do, and in hindsight been stressing on how one decision has caused me to waste so much time, but ultimately, regardless of decisions past made, I have to look forward.

It's easy to get bogged down in what you could or should have done in the past, but the only way to achieve any results is to look forwards, I guess in some ways I'm lucky, because no matter what happens with the buisness here, it is transferable to where ever I move to which is looking to be London.
And while I might not have the buisness up and running just yet, I can do so in London as well as have a pool of work for some side cash to help propel the business where it needs to be as well as work on the new projects.

Lucky I still have these to keep bolstering my happiness, I think today only seems so extreme as a result of forgetting to take some in the morning after food.

I don't have much time for games any more, not digital ones anyway, but I promised myself that today I would focus on cheering myself up, because no matter what I do, if I'm not in the right mental state, then I'll make mistakes and not be as effective as I know I can be, So tonight I will play a few games.
  • Titan Quest
  • BattleField 2
  • Monster hunter Tri
  • Stepmania
  • Minecraft

This will be my list I'll play from, as well as maybe watching a film also.

So until I stop feeling like this:
 I'll try my hardest to get back on track for tomorrows update, my apologies, anyway... I need to have some reason for you to read this so here it is:

A 9 week plan to get ANYONE up to speed with running!
Running provides an amazing cardiovascular workout and will shed weight at pronominal speeds, but for some the idea of running might seem daunting so here is a foolproof plan to getting you up to speed gradually over 9 weeks, after 9 weeks you will be able to run for 30 minutes solid!

This is a 9 week program to helping ANYONE with cardiovascular exercises, in this case running.
If you follow this plan you will be up and running solid at a strong level in 9 weeks no matter what your fitness level.

Ok, that is all I can provide for today, I need to go shift this mood, thanks for reading!! peace!

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

A Vacant Mess.

Got a sub project under way, I want to pour out the details, but much like my buisness, I hope to get the concept solid enough to market and as a result cannot mention much here.

I can mention that this is a boardgame, and I can mention that nothing like this has been made before, why? well I think it's because making something like this is very complex but after a long day of brainstorming with people we have a system that will simplify everything while giving depth, fun and most importantly, unlike most boardgames, will reward the player.

This will be known as "Project Burst" from here onwards.

Parts of Project "Asphalt Wave" are on hold still, and the same for the business, I'm not happy about it but I cannot do anything about this just yet, but might have to make serious backup measures. 

I'll talk about more of Burst when I get more to reveal.

Was cooked Won ton soup today, stuffed chicken and spring onion won tons in a mix of my chicken stock and my new mushroom stock, complete with noodles, it was a delicious soup and reminded me why Chinese soups are amazing!  
They contain a lot of water, this hydrates you and fills you up all at once, the stocks taste amazing and its a cost effective way to use a old chicken carcass, just put what is left into boiling water (bones and everything) into a pan and boil away for a few hours, drain through a sieve and store the fluid, easy.

Also a great bonus of this is that you can make a soup base, freeze it in a big batch and then defrost and add ingredients (meat, veg, noodles) to the dish and you have a cost effective , healthy meal that's quick to make.

Friends come and go in life, some longer than others, but at some point in life we have all be faced with a common dilemma.
You have a friend, and other people tell you things about this person that you never see, things that might be out of character.
Well as a friend you should initially dismiss these things as hearsay or at least look for evidence, but there is nothing worse than discovering what people have been telling you is true, you lose face and in turn have not believed the people that warned you.

I believe in life we have to just make judgements for ourselves, if somebody is worth sharing your time with then you should do just that, I guess what I'm trying to say is that sometimes, our friends are not always the people we want them to be, or think they should be.
To be a true friend you have to learn to accept their flaws as much as they accept your own, if not then it's best parting ways.

Do I speak from experience?
Not really, I've build a good rapport with my friends and believe that I know their strengths and weaknesses., sometimes it's hard to accept elements, sometimes it's not.

Yesterday I took a visit onto Wii Fit, not my idea of a gym but it can be a fun way to preform some menial exercises.
Firstly it was rude to me about my weight, but I had anticipated this from the Christmas binge.

So it got me thinking, what time of day do people prefer to exercise?
For me, back when I had a Gym membership I used to love hitting the gym for around midday.
It seems mid day wast the quietest time of the gym, I had free roam of equipment and didn't have to wait to use any equipment.

If I run I prefer to run at night, around 10pm, because the town is empty and again I have a free roam, maybe it's just me being unsociable, but when I exercise I want to do just that, for me its not a time for socialising.

My Weight bench is in my room / office, and it gives me the chance to drop some reps whenever I get free time, also have a standing punch tower for when I feel that's needed also.

Since I've got plenty of weight to convert into muscle I've started a process called Cutting, its when you have the bulk to convert into muscle you then beginning to cut, by cutting you eat less calories and eat less in general but maintaining a high protein diet, this way you protect your muscle development, you will however lose a little muscle mass, nothing you can do about it but the gains will far outweigh it.

So for me this means more fluidly foods, and better hydration.
Soups, lean steak, chicken, eggs, spinich, broccoli etc.

I found a really nice recipie for people looking for high protein that looked tasty, low calories and above all good for you:

It is basically a baked, stuffed chicken, and it looks tasty, I'm going to try this recipe in a few days but I'm going to upgrade it with some egg white and broccoli!!

Tettix is a Chiptune artist that I'm currently enjoying, coming with a similar sound of anamanaguchi who recently got famous for doing the OST of scott pilgrim.

Anyway that is all for today!

Good luck with your own personal health goals and see you tomorrow beautiful readers!!

Monday, 9 January 2012

Product review / Overlook of the blogs past!

Today I'm writing a review on this product!

Well more specifically-

This one.

So I'm walking through a supermarket, a little tired and I noted this on the shelf (good work on the packaging for catching my eye) Firstly I was caught because I always pick up on nice design, good, well placed font, nice colour schemes on the flavours and simple but informative labelling.

I picked up the White tea, Ginseng, cherry and Acai berry flavour, mostly because I wanted the green tea one but it has pomegranates in it and they make me unhappy (taste foul in my opinion).
Anyway The bottle is cute, its a nice size, a little pricey at £1.89 in morrisons, but that is about the same price as the neuro drinks I reviewed a while back.
Each bottle is 330ml. so about the standard can size plus a little, so not much for your money either.

Well on the drive back home I decided to try this drink, now I don't endorse drinking a beverage while driving but I have a lot of experience in doing this safely, so I got the passenger to open it, and fist thing they noticed was the lid, on top of the lid it says "Drink to your health" a nice touch, showing that care has gone into the production of this product.
The drink smells amazing, fruity and with that after smell of tea, so with that I took a sip, it was smooth but light, fruity but subtle, not something I was expecting, I thought it would be sweet and have a strong cherry taste like most drinks with cherry do.
Great tasting, great smelling and pretty packaging, my only regret was the  meagre size of the drink, This drink on ice would be a perfect way to rehydrate in the evening.
The drink "little miracles" is touted as an organic energy drink, and whilst I'd agree its a delicious, refreshing and invigorating drink it is only a "little" miracle.
If you can afford to foot the above average price tag for a top tier health drink then I completely recommend it to anyone! 

Now because in this world I think you often pay for what you get, this applies here too, a fantastic drink, and even if its scraping below £2 it really is worth it for the benefits you will receive, a light perk in energy and the antioxidant benefits of tea and ginseng, if this was blueberry flavour it would me my ultimate purchasable drink!!

Taste: 9  Smell: 9  Texture: 10  *total* 28/30  (BONUS HEALTH: 8/10) *Bonus total* 8/10

The products website can be found >HERE< (will open in a new window)

It's Monday, and most people dislike it, because its the start of a new week and the end of the weekend.
The weekend for most can be a time of indulgence and relaxation, so maybe why not do some indulging during the week?!

For me, personally, I like to fill a bath half full, add candles and bath cream to help change the smell to something exotic, then I'll put the shower on and sit in the bath with the shower aimed onto me, it's the closest thing your going to get to sitting under a waterfall and I find it helpful because of one main reason.
It shuts up my brain, yup 24/7 I'm thinking about something and as a result sometimes I find it hard to relax and shut down, being under constant water causes that weird watery noise, almost like rain that drowns out the thoughts of the day and replaces them with inner silence, maybe this is why some martial arts choose to meditate under waterfalls!

Anyway I'm asking you, if you can (you need a shower mounted into the bath on a rail or whatever) to try it out!

Also I'd like to hear about how you, the readers like to relax and try out  a few for myself.

It's been a long time since the first post, and since then we have had a massive amount of changes to layout, new sections and a lot of different titles!

I thought that I'd post up all the titles we have had to date, so that we can see the evolution of the design and feel of the blog, it's just me being sentimental.

1. The original Blog title, Kikojui, Evolution saga, I was thinking it would be a good idea to blog about my journey of transformation, and after coming with a scheme and colour style I decided on the logo, I wanted clouds and something resembling health, so we have this waterfall falling into clouds, weird concept really.
2. After the blog being up for 100 days I thought I'd commemorate this feat, by making the first logo change, well in this case an addition.

3.This was the transitional idea, saying it was evolving as we hit stage 2, it was like this for a few days and probably did not get noticed much, it was more for my metaphor of metamorphosis and ascetics than anything else.
4. Title 4, is the second phase logo, it was not just a logo transition as the background changed to match the new multicolour overlay, it was a nice change and a burst of energy added to the blog that was now starting to pick up.

5. This was again an addition much like number 2, to commemorate having reached 1000 pageviews, this for me made me happy as at least 800 of them had to be from external sources, and it meant I was getting exposure and more importantly, giving information people could come back to. 
6. This was the introduction of kira and stage 3, a female friend and blogger who wanted to help add posts aimed at a more female audience specializing in fashion it was an exciting time!
7. A few posts later this design (3.1) and background change appeared, this was largely due to the new posts relating to fashion and those of health, signifying a change in blog approach.
 8. The last logo, was designed to explode from the background much like how our posting frequency was exploding, using a parrallex layer it would seem like the background had a hole in it.

9. After some events, both me and Kira where unable to really keep our commitment to posting not only daily but at all, so for a extended period of time there was nothing.
Then I got into a position to re-start this blog, and try to revive it, so it was only appropriate that we changed the background and logo again, this time saying what I wanted to say to everyone "I'm back!"
And I most certainly am!

A little trip down memory lane for some, and for others an insight that this blog will, much like its topics, keep evolving until I can say that the main project is complete, I want to thank each and every person that views this blog, and even if a tiny amount actually post responses I know from the views a few of you might have learnt something or just indulged into some posts by a young man trying to make a change of his life, thank you very much indeed!

That is all for today, one last thanks, you beautiful, beautiful readers! 

Sunday, 8 January 2012


Someone posted this on my Facebook feed, a great paced song for some decent running / cycling.

I want to get out more on my bike, I enjoy just cruising across the land, problem is my legs are very fit and muscular, so it would be time better spent working on areas of fitness that need improving.  

Making some Chinese soup to freeze for later use, I'll post the results in tomorrows official update (I don't normally update at weekends, hence this being filed under "Bonus Content".

So anyway, I hope your all well and enjoying what's left of the weekend!!

Friday, 6 January 2012

This post has girth.

Good day to you!
I'm here, yup I'm not going anywhere are you?
I'll be serious for a moment, that last sentence is relevant to some of today's tropic, where are we going?

I'll level the playing field for a moment, my personal ambition in this life, amongst the obvious (marrage kids etc) is to travel the world, and more specifically I'd like to sail certain parts.
Another object of desire I have is to live out of the UK, somewhere warmer with dynamic climates so I can go on different types of adventures.
Most of all I enjoy culture and learning about different cultures, I've found myself at a position where to achieve these things I have to put into account other aspects, in other words its not as simple as getting money, and in all honesty it never is!

It's never money that people want, money is not real, paper has little value, it's the concept of using it to trade.
We don't want money, we want a greater pool of things available to us.

Money + desired trade + available trade = Trade + desired item / service.

Money is always a means not something really worth anything, remember money has a economic trade value, and this can grow or shrink by government and large scale corporations movements, now one could argue what's the point in this argument? without money in today's society you cannot get any items / services; and you'd be mostly right, but you'd be surprised how many people say they want to be Rich, or famous, but fame is only good for increasing your ability to trade, and rich could mean many things (we all know they mostly mean money).
Anyway, just remember money is not what most people actually want, it's the options to get other items / services.

Now I mentioned where are we going, well I'm interested in how many people think about their dreams? I mean if dreams were instantly achievable then most of us would have acquired them, and they would not be dreams! Dreams are mostly peoples extremes believing that achieving them to be difficult or impossible.

Well depending on the dream this is true, however I thoroughly encourage all people to try and chase their dreams, to not try at all is in my eyes worse than trying and failing.
I don't really know quite where I'm going with this, I guess I feel like times wasting away and I've yet to get into a position to make these dreams a reality.

Something I saw on my facebook feed I thought I'd share with you, not exactly healthy, but for its size I think its a nice treat for breakfast!

Link with a Video on a similar recipe.

Something I thought I'd also mention, as a part of my new years resolution, I've given up ever eating (and its not that often) at a fast food place, and only eat at one Chinese takeaway once a month.
My weakness was Burger king, when ever I'm at Norwich picking up my girlfriend from the train or going for a shop / see friends, I'd always pop in and have something, and as I did this more frequently I realised that all this trips where building up. Now I'm not addicted to fast food, but I can see how somebody might be! so I thought I'd nip this in the bud, no matter what, no fast food (and I know technically Chinese takeaway is) but I love it so much and sometimes don't want to cook at home, this way once a month is a treat.

So I guess I'll cover my resolutions next!!

Resolutions of 2012:
  • No Fast food for the year.
  • I will have the body I want by an event I attend in summer.
  • I will make my business work, while working on another business.
  • I need to lose my ability to automatically trust people and make it something earned.
  • Go abroad, it's been too long since I was last away from the UK.
  • Get in contact with other friend groups.
  • Finally Evolve.
Seems a lot huh? Well I think if I can achieve half of these I'll be a happy man!

Got some reassuring news from someone working on this buisness with me, and with it a new hope that the website might finally be on its way to completion, I've been looking into various couriers etc, it's getting pretty exciting, Tomorrow I need to gut this office and get everything back to a smooth workflow.
Also have a pretty solid marketing strategy, so lets hope all go's to plan!

Since Christmas I'd been a bit down about all this buisness junk, but recently I realised, I am going to make this work and thinking about it anything that was my responsibility I've cleared with ease sorted out the initial Equipment mistake, sorted and  built great rapport with the supplier, attended multiple buisness meetings with banks, attended buisness link free seminars just so I might learn 1 or two new things!
Anyway I've realised I have the drive, the commitment and determination (as well as stubbornness) to not only see this through but make something of it, and I assure you once the position comes back to me and I'm  free to make my place, I will.

Anyway it kinda for some reason reminded me of this song, and after listening I got re-energized and seriously up for making my name, re-gaining my pride and honouring my family who have helped support me financially. I can't wait!

Recently I've been having fun by playing boardgames, this is a new past time for me but I've already amassed quite a few boardgames in my collection, Risk was my first game, it was the orignal risk from some age long lost, its a simple and enjoyable game but a bit too broken on dice rolls.

Anyway my current two favourites are "Munchkin" series (Card game where characters fight monsters and collect items to race for the first player to become level 10)

And Runebound Second edition (out of print and hard to find, as well as costly)
Runebound says on it's back average 240 mins gameplay, we always seem to take 7 hours!!
It's a fantasy RPG boardgames, where players work against the game, racing to have adventures and beat the end boss.
Its a fun game, lengthy and should be played with alcohol and snacks etc.
The next game I REALLY want to get my paws on is "Super Dungeon Explorer".

Another thing I've taken a lot of solace in is Extending my photoshop ability, making new pieces daily, sharpening and learning new skills and improving workflow, since my buisness is very reliant in it I want to be at a high standard to provide great products consistently, I've used photoshop since my first year of college (2001) So I've been at that program for 11 years, much longer than anyone I know, of course this doesn't equal better, just more experience.

Anyway this post has become massive, and I apologize for taking too much time out of your day and hope this has somehow got at least one useful thing inside its plump contents.

Thanks for reading, and please comment, I know lots of people view this page, but without feedback it's hard to know what people appreciate and what people hate from my posts!

Have a great day you beautiful, beautiful readers.