I know these updates seem random and not so much daily, and that is probably how they will be, I hope to get an average of three updates a week (still no posting on weekends unless its for a special reason) so stay tuned!
So what with all the exercise and dieting taking place I thought I'd discuss the cost of this all, not just monetary cost but the other things.
Firstly, with this high protein diet is how much fatigue you suffer. The body is constantly repairing the damaged mussel tissue from exercise and uses the protein to do this, also the body is digesting fats to help as they no longer have to be stored, so all in all the body is working very hard and as a result I feel constantly tired, I sleep well! (But also seem to sleep for much longer, so good idea to set alarms).
Also, on top of feeling tired, you will feel as if its a lot harder to move, sometimes you just sit and think, I can't be bothered to invest energy in moving.
Secondly, eating healthy is not cheap!!
This sounds a bit weird as you would have been told countless times that eating good is cheap.
Well maybe so a few years back but the prices of vegetables, fruit and raw ingredients actually cost quite a lot!
Admittedly most ready meals, and snacks have a lot of unwanted junk in them, but the cost difference is great indeed!
Interestingly the foods near the top are those that are the most acidic! Remember my post about alkaline and acid, and how it has a massive effect on your life? no?
well look here:
Anyway, with my current diet I'm consuming a lot of meats as well as quorn alternatives, so to counter act the masses of Acid I'm ingesting I've been sticking to my lemon water rule that's mentioned in the old post linked above.
You can make good food cheap if you create things in big amounts and freezing and storing so that you can eat these whenever you want, but learning what can be frozen and stored and what won't will leave you with a few obvious options, soup; covered in the last posts can be your greatest asset, they are easy to store and defrost also can taste good while being healthy for you, but you will get sick of eating soup constantly.
My suggestion is to adapt meals you like into a healthy alternative, for example now and then I'll get massive urges to eat at burger king, and while this is completely out of the question with the current diet, there is an alternative! I have wholegrain burger bap, 2 meat free burgers from Tesco home brand, they have a lot less saturated fat compared to the official quorn ones, place low fat cheese on them and you have a burger that is relatively good for this diet! The wholegrain adds good carbs while the meat free burgers have next to no fat in them but with all the protein.
So it is just a case of adapting and changing what you like for alternatives! If you have something you like but can't think what to switch it with, send a message and I'll try my hardest to think of a more healthy alternative.
A nice parody of the popular web series "EPIC MEAL TIME".
Have a great day readers!

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