Thursday, 1 September 2011

Kira: Don't forget your best dress

Hey how's it going folks? I know it is an important time of year for many younger folk out there. You've got your results from exams, be it GCSEs, A-Levels, Degree. But this week sees most of you go back to the education place of your choice and I thought I'd throw a few tips out that I find helpful. 

1. Don't panic. One of the worst things to do is panic that this new place won't accept who you are.  They wont judge you on your level of skill, they are there to teach you after all.

2. Meeting new people should be a fun thing not a stress, be yourself and you can't lose. When you get past mandatory education the only bullies are simple minded folk who need a while longer to grow up. Don't pretend to be something you're not, people won't appreciate that you've lied through your back teeth.

3. Be prepared, get all your equipment, Summer projects, uniform/outfit etc. ready at least a day before. Then you have time to pull things together if you've not thought of something. I find keeping a list over the Summer helps. Forgetting stuff can be embarrassing for you especially if you're called out in front of every one who have remembered their things.

4. Dress for your course. If you're going into an Art course there is a huge chance you'll do something pro-active on the first day so wear something comfortable that you don't mind getting a bit messy. If you're doing engineering or something where you may be introduced to machinery then have your hair tied back and don't walk around with your earphones dangling down your shoulders.

5. Bring cash, if you have some that is. That way if you're asked to get some equipment on the day you're prepared. You may also want to get lunch at the local eatery with your new acquaintances.

I know these are pretty much common sense but really in such a stressful time people do forget. Blogging Fusion Blog Directory

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