Hello, it's been a long time.
I know I very rarely post on a weekend, but this one will help explain tomorrows post.
Every monday I'll be running my new system named "O.S.W.G" (organized, structured weekly goals)
And on the Monday post, I will post a list of my weekly goals, what they are and through the week see if I achieve them, for a week I have to have a minimum of 7 goals.
But before that, I better explain where I have been.
Since I've last posted an update this has happened:
-I had more tooth trouble and at one point had 72 hours without sleep.
-Was given Dihydrocodeine (amazing painkiller),
-Decided to move to London, and will be very soon.
-Recently had my last wisdom tooth give me problems (should have been called pain teeth, not wisdom... mind you probably wise to not ever have them, so it could be a inverse statement) and needs removing soon.
-Worked on re-localization of my buisness model.
-Sadly had a family member pass away.
-Put on a little weight (6-7 lbs)
-Tried a good amount of new products to review.
-Re-Reviewed my strategy for this project "Evolve".
-My Girlfriend started her new job, so been helping her in any way I can.
-Procrastinating whenever I can.
-Had depression (Not really all that sure why) and Grew a long beard.
-Cut off that stupid beard.
-On the mend, but more importantly, for once, optimistic about the next few months!!
So as you can see it's been a very busy period and seemed like it was forever since I posted. I didn't have anything worth saying, and I think a blog should be informative and not just a run down of my day, I don't get pleasure from the self indulgence of writing about my day to day life, just information that might help others.
Anyway today is the post to tell you my absence, and how it was not like the other gaps in posting which where to bad time management.
So, the thing I bring to the table today, is a strategy to help people start their own changes (whatever they might be) and how to ease yourself into those changes.
V 1.0 was writing what I did each day.
V 1.5 was writing what I did and what diet I had.
V 2.0 is a new system, where each week I set goals to achieve and update progress on them as the week progresses!!
A task involving achieving something, could be learning a new launguage or a high score on a game, very open-ended task.

When a Task or section is confusing this will be used when referencing it.
A Task involving making a defence against a possible problem, for example, learning to save often when using software to defend against lost data.
When a task is not completed or too difficult to complete I become defeated.
Tasks involving Diet and nutrition.
When a task has a high difficulty I might talk about it in this section header.
Any task to do with gaining money, saving money or dealing with money.

Any Task involving learning something new.
A task that has been a consistent problem to me.
When I have a question that needs an answer it's a question task.
Any task involving running or cardiovascular exercise.
A task involving learning a new skill.
When a task is successfully completed!
A task involving vanity, an example would be trying new clothing.
When a task is completed above the standard expected!
When I have an idea or tool to help with a task.
Anything to do with my weight.
A task that involves and adventure.
Status update on any on-going tasks worth mentioning.
Tasks relating to self defence, this could be physical, mental or health related.
Tasks referencing to anything strength related, physical strength and resistance training.
Tactics can be relate to most things, from tips and tricks to almost any problem in any field.
Any task that relates directly to my work, paid work.

24 Sections, it seems a lot, but the flexibility is needed.
Tomorrows post will go as normal, but at the end of the post will be this weeks goals!
I have to go now, let me know in feedback if you like or dislike the idea and I look forward to smashing these weekly tasks!!

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