Today, since I was awoken at 9am by a distributor about some stock issues, I've been constantly, and I mean constantly rushed off my feet.
All my materials for the business arrived, So that is a LOT of material, I had UPS and other courier services constantly knocking at my door and I've been shifting materials up the stairs of my flat and into the office/design studio/production centre.
Needless to say, my frequent failings to update are actually due to a severe lack of time, but now things are settling down I figured I'd post, and let you all know I'm still here.
"Tired but accomplished" I might start using a single sentence to describe my days from now on!
Anyway, tomorrow once the final bits arrive tomorrow, I'll take some photos of it all, and give you an idea what has been going on. I won't post the usual diet things today, because to be completely honest with you I can't remember what I've really eaten, been too busy shifting through stock and checking invoices.
However. tomorrow I will get back into the routine I worked so hard to establish!
So for now, that is me done, I need a drink, a sit down and a well deserved session of R and R.
Peace, you beautiful, beautiful readers.

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