This morning I've been in calls with suppliers of materials, FINALLY found 90% of what the business needs so I'm almost ready to go, and their is NO time like GO TIME!
With all the materials secured, finance secured, and designs in process it's actually scary to be in a position where I'm almost ready to get into the thick of it. I've still got to get the website running, I'm working on this.
I've got talks to take place Friday, by then I'll completely know where everything is, where I stand, and the suppliers.
So it's the the start of phase two, it's been interesting, I've got a lot of work done, I did some working out and running.
I've actually had no problem with the increase in exercise, I initially thought that I might struggle with the increase in exercise but it's actually not been to uncomfortable.
I prefer running at night, firstly, less traffic to have to concern myself with, and secondly the temperatures are much cooler (I hate too much heat).
Another thing about this change, is that by making it feel like I've hit another section in the challenge makes my effort higher as I feel that I've progressed, fitness and health wise defiantly.
I don't have a lot to say today, I've exhausted myself mentally, and physically, maybe I'll write something in the morning, as a kind of apology for the lack of content tonight.
DAY 63:
Blueberry yoghurt
Rustlers Chicken burger thing (low sat fats)
1 pint of mineral water
Half a chicken Korma
Small bowel of fries
Kemenan (lamb nan bread)
Day 63:
Light run
Weights, 3 sets of 7 reps of 34KG
Last message
"The only time you run out of chances is when you stop taking them."

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