You might have noticed yet again that I missed out Friday's post.
No idea how, or why this is a reoccurring thing, my apologies, I post almost daily so I can be forgiven for some slight slacking.
Woke up this morning with a ton of things to do, looking into more raw resources, shopping for right prices and reading reviews.
Then had a ton of calls to make, followed by meeting the bank, then heading off to my parents to find out they are willing to invest in my business, this was a nice feeling.
Problem is until now I've not needed any outside help, and prided myself on it, but I often say pride comes before a fall so decided to stop being bone headed and take whatever support people wish to offer, good moral boost.
Still have to secure another half of the finances, but that is coming together nicely.
Later on I visited the accountant and watched as I actually created a near perfect Business plan. (insert happy face emoticon)
So after going through a few things and having my financial perspective tweaked yet again I find myself just at a frustrating point of just getting started.
Well this week will be focused on getting the plan fully up to scratch, getting more products created, and getting the vital raw material cost finalized... busy and hectic, but productive.
As for the diet, I've stuck to the constant lemon and mineral water drinking, it has had the largest effect with digestion, mood and health.
Burning fat faster and consistently, just have to keep to not snacking after 6pm.
Working out has increased now since I started to dip, now using the bench more and making sure to try and get one or two good rides / runs in.
In other news my bike seems to have developed a weird grinding noise and its performance has dropped drastically, I hope the business is up and running soon so I can purchase a better bike.
Also, this Wednesday is my birthday (celebrating on Friday/Saturday/Sunday) and this will obviously have an effect on my diet, so I expect to gain a couple of pounds over this period.
DAY 41:
Cheese roll (crusty) with smoked ham and cheese, flora pro active to replace usual butter.
DAY 41:
Cheese roll (crusty) with smoked ham and cheese, flora pro active to replace usual butter.
1 pint of mineral water with lemon
Cheese roll (crusty) with smoked ham and cheese, flora pro active to replace usual butter.
1 pint of mineral water with lemon
*It was so nice I had it twice*
1 pint of mineral water with lemon
English breakfast, Egg poached, 80% pork sausage, branston beans, bacon trimmed and toast.
Day 37:
Weights, reps of 35KG, 5 sets of 10.
Day 37:
Weights, reps of 35KG, 5 sets of 10.
Last message
Relax with some chill out trance, its what I needed to just wind down.
Peace out you beautiful, BEAUTIFUL readers!!

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