I promise to reveal more soon, I've secured the funding, I'm in the process of finalizing the Business plan (refining) and working on all the pretty stuff.
A while back I'd have never thought I'd be in this position, a position where not only I'll be able to start using my ability's to generate some capital, but also do things that I've been putting off, like travelling China for example.
I've still got a bit to do, and a lot of materials to order, I'll try keeping on top of the blog, but I'll expect some days will contain shorter posts.
The main excitement is finally seeing everything I've been planning coming together, this is also a fundermental unit of the "Asphalt Wave" so needless to say but it's vital I get this all right so that the plan can progress.
I'll explain Phase 2, what it means and why it's initialized.
Phase two, or "Evolution stage 2" Is the acceleration of what's already been happening now that a routine is firmly established.
Phase Two Contents:
- Increased Exercise (Daily pushing yourself) Running, Weights, Cycling, and "Legends Road" (Will spill the beans on this later)
- Increased productivity (Notes daily, ideas, and at least 3 products a week created)
- Increased Diet, (radically changing the management of the diet)
- Making time twice a week to talk to friends in person
- Working on maximizing work efficiency
- Networking and working on sales
- Enjoying the process, making play lists and setting weekly achievable goals.
As you can see Phase two is a refinement of phase one, which was only used as a warming up exercise for the real deal.
Refining, specialising and mastering all the areas to increase my life's potential.
Never mentioned WHY it's initialized!
Ok, well conditions were met for upgrading to Phase Two, firstly my weight has stabalized and is only slightly decreasing, as well as my fitness only slightly increasing. Now that the whole thing has reached routine, it's time to really push myself and try and hit Phase 3, it will not be easy as this will require a lot of physical exertion.
Anyway, when you do anything in life and the changes are minimal, make changes to your approach, in this case upgrade everything starting from the moment I wake tomorrow, it will be interesting to talk about how hard this will be!
DAY 62:
Cup of tea
DAY 62:
Cup of tea
Cheese roll
(worked through it)
1 pint of mineral water
Shepard's pie.
Chocolate souffle
Day 62:
Light run
Day 62:
Light run
Last message
"Destitutus ventis, remos adhibe"
"If the wind will not serve,
take to the oars."Also a side note, I might be updating smaller segments in parts each day, so one day might consist of two parts!
Peace you beautiful readers!

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