So I didn't post Friday, I had a funeral of a close family member to attend.
During the week I've been trying more drinks (I Thought when I started this blog I'd be more heavily into the food reviews but it seems I have a fluid fetish)
The first new drink I tried was -
Another energy drink from Rockstar, this pink can is the new sugar free version, nothing new in that concept. once you scratch the surface however; you notice that this might just be THE greatest energy drink on the market and I'll explain why.
Firstly, the can is not exactly a manly colour, matter of fact you might say it's deliberately pink and aimed at a more feminine audience and you would be spot on the money!!
The can is small, like the original red bull and the birth of the energy drinks, but this just fits nicer in your handbag.
"I'm failing to see whats so special about this Kikojui!" you might be saying but just wait, this is it's secret weapon, why would it be aimed at a female audience? well other than its design it has something inside it that makes it special "What is this special thing Kikojui? there are a multitude of energy drinks on the market".
Ok enough teasing, I'll be blunt.
it's only 10 CALORIES!!
I don't think anything comes close in calories, more so in an energy drink.
To get a perspective, the lucozade Revie series which, granted, taste great also are 50 calories.
I could drink 5 of these energy drinks to match the calories.
BUT the thing that really sells this energy drink is not the fact its a sort of healthy energy drink.
What actually, and surprisingly sells this drink to me is it's taste, it's smooth with a subtle wave of flavour ( a little like parma violet sweets, but not) and its not over carbonated, in fact after the initial opening hiss it was as if it was a un-carbonated drink, this works in its favour.
Energy drinks usually have to compromise taste for energy, this does neither, it tastes great and has the energy kick needed for a little lift, plus you dont have to drink a 500ml can and deal with that chemical after taste that relentless is famous for.
Taste: 10 Smell: 7 Texture: 9 *total* 26/30 (BONUS HEALTH: 9/10) *Bonus total* 9
Next up is-
I was in Waitrose after the funeral, and I'll admit I never shop at waitrose, its not close to where I live and I don't think the selection is that amazing at the stores that are in my area of the UK.
But I saw this tiny bottle in there and thought I'd give it a whirl.
It is pure apple juice (this flavour anyway "Pink lady apple") and it's undergone a pasteurizing process known as HPP which is high pressure pasteurization, this retains the antioxidants and nutrients of the pressed fruit juice.
It tastes refreshing, crisp with a light but noticeable sharpness that only comes from fresh pure apple juice.
It's healthy as sucking the apple juice from the apple, so it's pretty good for you and as close to the orignal thing in a bottle.
There is only so much you can say about apple juice, but as far as apple juice go's this is amazingly tasty!!
Taste: 9 Smell: 6 Texture: 8 *total* 23/30 (BONUS HEALTH: 10/10) *Bonus total* 10
I don't have anythign else to add today.
Lose 4lbs. Simple task. (1 pounds lost)
Run one mile, three times this week. (Mon 1/1 Wed 1/1 Fri 1/1)
Create three new designs for the "Hunter Series" (0/3)
Bench press once a day (5/7)
Sort through and throw out / donate clothing that never gets used. (0/1)
Do not eat after 8pm (4/7) *had a slip up Tuesday night*
Finish first main ark in "A Guards Tale" (0/1)
Blog daily. (5/7)