Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Day 200: War as it should be.

Been a day or so since the last post, but lets forget about that, today is the 200th day that this blog has existed for!

I'm not as excited as I was at day 100, because up until that hundredth day my posts had been truly daily, with a few exceptions.
This second hundred days have been more random in posting, I assure you this is due to my busyness and not due to laziness, admittedly there have been a few occasions when at the end of the day I've been to tired to post.

Anyway, two hundred days! That is the good part of a year, so what have I achieved and learnt?
Since the last hundred days I've not achieved much in life lessons, but I have worked hard and noticed a few things holding me back.

One thing I'd say was the most memorable change was the effect of working long hours has on the moral for outside exercise (in my case running) and as a result I've done very little at that.
I'm thinking of making *opens photoshop* a chart that will show where my time is invested, and hope that having a visual aid can help me make some adjustments and note the effects. The categories will have things like work, social, relaxing, exercise; you get the picture.
*just made one*
So today has been a mix of tidying the office, and doing little odd jobs (Other) and in between I've been relaxing with the other half.
VX Project is the game I've been working on for around 5 years...
Anyway I'll be adding one of these in posts and analysing, after a while I'll see trends of days that went well etc and be able to adjust my pattern to suit needs!

So what can we expect in the next 100 days?
I said I'd be stepping up my game, and that is exactly what I'm doing! Working out will increase, diet / nutrition will get tighter and I'll try harder to learn more from various sources!

So before I post this I'm going to introduce you all to a new section, a section called:


Coma, a very clever and atmospheric game that in my opinion is a visual and audio masterpiece.

Remember the wall of text that used to be at the end of each post? saying what I ate and what exercise I'd done?
Well that is also being overhauled and replaced with a more visual graph, so that its less of a brain melt of information.

See you tomorrow readers!!

Friday, 26 August 2011

Day 196: Struggling to relax? I know I am!

This has to be filed under diet and health!
Recently, since coming back from a month of fun and excitement I've noticed that going from one extreme to another can bring about some interesting results.

For example, things I did to relax before now seem mundane, and that is due to my association's of what relaxation really is, have been altered.
A few weeks back, relaxing was mass socialization and drinking alcohol and thus changing my state.
Anyway It's paramount to health, when changing a lifestyle and in just everyday life, to know just how to relax! for me social interaction and long baths seem to do the trick, however this is largely to do with my lack of social contact during my every day life.

Today I spent a lot of time just looking for a way to relax!

Anyway I'm going to cut this post stupidly short as I've run out of time... so tomorrow I'm going to start a new rule! Posting before midday (might be slightly over tomorrow)

What do you readers do to relax?

Hey again folks. Feels very strange posting daily but here we go.

Today I wanna talk about clothes that are big on the high street but should be avoided by most.

Seriously folks, different body shapes suit different trends and most trends are based on the wearer being model-skinny and usually with out any curves. Not knocking that shape as I have very slender friends and they're beautiful as much as my curvier friends, inside and out.

So here are items these season:

Chinos: These trousers have been big on the high street for a good year now, they offer a great geek chic look and come in flattering neutral colours as well as bright blues and reds.
What to wear: Wear these with a top tucked in and a blazer or short jacket & pump shoes.
Avoid: Avoid these if you have big thighs, if you don't have a small waist or if you always wear heels. These look rubbish with most heels and baggy t-shirts.
Recommended for: Thin tall figure.

Short playsuits: Playsuits are a wonderful alternative to dresses (less wind blowing your skirt up accidents) they also come in several shapes and colours/patterns.
What to wear: If you're a more curvy lady be sure to pair this with some colourful or dark tights. High heels will accentuate your posture to make your legs look awesome with the shorts. If you're very slender and want to give yourself a more feminine look pair with a waist belt, it will bring out your tiny waist.
Avoid: Capped sleeves if you have large arms. If you're slim avoid overly baggy playsuits, they will make you appear frumpy.
Warning: These things tend to be difficult to take off when you use the bathroom so don't leave it to the last minute to go ;)
Recommended for: Hour glass shape.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

A wild Kira appears

Well hello there folks, I thought I'd throw an introduction your way since I'll now be posting here along side Kikojui. 

I've been studying Fashion & Textiles for the past 2 years and will be going to University this year to study Graphic Design. I love design, gaming, socialising, fashion & travel. 

I'd like to be able to offer some insight into subjects that will help others as well as offering a little of my life experiences. 

Many of us have issues with different aspects of our weight. Too thin, too fat, too lazy, too busy to look out for ourselves. 

It took me a while to realise that really no one was going to kick me into getting fit/healthy and that may be what is holding you back too. As much as you want to lose weight or work out more it always turns into an "I'll do it tommorow" scenario. If this sounds like you then stop, stop waiting for tomorrow because today is the day to change. 

Here are some top tips I find that help me with keeping weight off or becoming healthier in general: 

  • Healthy eating is not just having a salad every day. For one thing that is very dull and another is that it won't give you all the nutrition you need. Instead eat a varied and balanced diet, moderation is key. 
  • So you need to get home from college, work or a friends house? All you can think about is how far it is and how long it'll take. Instead think how good you'll look if you drop a few pounds and how that walk, however short or long it really is, will definitely help tone and lose the weight. Even if it is raining you'll keep warm through a brisk pace. 
  • Don't compare your self to others. This is a tough one but if you focus on yourself and your accomplishments (however small they are) then you'll appreciate the formula; effort + patience = results. 
  • Drink water. Soda is evil. It will hinder the speed of your losses and is not good for your insides, even diet stuff will leave you bloated. Obviously if you're some one who needs the caffeine boost then just have one a day at most.
  • If some one puts down your progress the chances are they are jealous of your accomplishments, distance yourself from them if they do not realise this is damaging to you. A good friend will support and not hinder you.
I hope they are helpful to some one as they have been great motivators to me. 

That's all for now folks.  

Stay classy x

Day 195: The 48 day break... STAGE 3 ACTIVATED!!

So it's really been 48 days since my last post, that is an incredible amount of time! So I'm guessing after falling off the face of the earth you might have a few questions as to just where I've been.

During August I have 2 events to attend, they are large scale and basically where I get to hook up with some old friends, also this year I got to sell my products at the first event, I was optimistic that my designs met the criteria but not so optimistic with the people that attend as they tend to spend all their money on other wares, so keeping this in mind I made T-shirts sold at a reduced price £10 (normally sell at £15-18) in the hope that I would actually shift stock.

Turns out I managed to sell everything I took, this is great news and helps me focus on building the business as I know the products sell.

Now I've only just got back from all the events and sorted out my sleep pattern etc.
I will admit I've eaten terribly, but worked out when I can, so not much change in weight.

ANYWAY time to talk about the changes going on here.

So after all this negative eating and living in general it is time to cleanse, and not only that, step everything up a level. That's right, time for level 3!!

Level three is just a increase of exercise, regular eating of low saturated fats etc. Also while doing this making sure to pass any knowledge to anyone who will listen.

Stage 3 also includes not only an increase in my own life adjustments, but in a pledge to keep the viewers up to date with life changes I've drafted in a personal friend to post for the female readers!

KIRA has made big changes in her life, having lost a lot of weight through diet and also being a fashion expert she will provide the female readers with the vital weapons of knowledge to get the most out of your lives! While I just tackle general subjects and things male related, this means something else, EXTRA CONTENT! She will be posting as close to daily as well so you have twice as much to look forward to each day!!

We will be covering a lot more subjects, things like the bedroom and relationships (we are not experts but there are some common issues that we can advise about).

So I'd like to welcome you all back, back to evolving!!!