I go to birmingham often to vist my girlfriend, and I won't lie, I detest cities.
I like nature, I like natures fresh air rustling through the tress, the smells of fresh flowers and the sounds of the sea.
I don't like polluted air blustering through my choking my lungs, the smell of fumes and various deodorants and the sounds of relentless cars with the common sound of an ambulance crashing through.
Cities have their perks, for example birmingham has a massive wealth of restaurants and generally a good selection for food, but once you peel that away from it's grey exterior there is little in entertainment. Sure you could go and drink cocktails at night or go out to nightclubs but other than that there is nothing to explore, just roam around pe designed spaces that maximize consumer sales.
To controlled, not wild, free and unforgiving.
Now of course I've lived my life in the countryside so for me, until recently I was biased, but I've spent a good few moths in city life, and it really is bad for the soul.
A deep concentration of people with little to do, you hardly see people talking to each other in a city and it is strange that in somewhere so deep wit people, that you could really feel alone.
Its not a long post today, but I'd like to hear what people think of the environments they have been to, what conclusions you have found.
Peace out, you beautiful, beautiful readers.

I am on this quickly today!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you wholeheartedly on this, particularly the loneliness but I feel that a preference for either depends on what you want out of life. I want the anonymity of city life at this moment in time and have always promised myself I'll live in central London for a year. Cities are convenient and interesting in their own right, I love to people watch, people fascinate me so cities are like my playground for this. Sitting on my own having a coffee and listening in to others conversations, watching the crazy person try to convince the pigeons that they're dinosaurs etc.
I do adore the community of rural areas, the freedom, lazy Sunday's that wear you out and the beauty in everything but the fact everyone knows your business can be a pain and it's hard to make something of yourself. I know that when I settle I want to live in a beautiful old house (I hate new buildings - it's my biggest issue with MK, nothing is old) by the sea, somewhere with vicious winters and sedate summers.
In short, city or country, depends on what you want out of life, each has it's benefits and drawbacks and after living in both I can't pick one over the other.
I think this is longer than your post. Sorry!
Not really a fan of cities either, KK. I love my green fields, more of a town mouse than a city mouse definitely, etc. Squee. :3 I wouldn't be surprised if Wellian feels the same too considering he couldn't stand it while living in London.
ReplyDeleteEven Norwich, that most local people bang on and on about being a great place to go, I just don't give a damn about it really - which in turn some find hard to understand but hey ho... and London, well, it just grates on my nerves usually. The sparkly novelty of overly hyped up events being held there and the like has complete worn off. I can't be arsed any more with London lol, I only go if it's compulsory - like I'm catching a flight to Japan or seeing pals who are celebrating a birthday or something.
I miss Colchester sometimes - particularly the Castle Park. It's just beautiful.