Hello readers, it's Tuesday and I've got enough content to validate today's post, yesterday I did not have enough awesome content worthy of your eyes, today I do.
During the weekend I tried a cigarette.
Now for those that do not know (I'm unsure if I ever mentioned) but I used to smoke, on and off for quite some time, in patches of high stress I smoked the amount a normal smoker did, say 10-20 a day, but in September last year I stopped, no graduation in it, just flat out to myself no thanks.
I've always been strong willed, and will always be but I'd always have the odd one now and then sort of like a temporary relapse.
I've always been strong willed, and will always be but I'd always have the odd one now and then sort of like a temporary relapse.
Anyway I decided to ask my friend if it was ok to take one, he was worried I'd fallen off the wagon but actually it was for me to test the effects of being off it for so long, what I took was a roll up, in other words not a straight cigarette, it uses the raw tobacco and significantly better on the lungs as it contains a lot less than the commercial pre made ones, I figured this would be interesting.
It was interesting, firstly it just felt like it normally did, but as I went on I felt queasy and got a headache followed by just feeling incredibly sick, great news, my body completely rejected it and I was so impressed because I know now that I'll never become a smoker again, maybe have a puff on a cigar if its a big event but only as an ascetic accompaniment.
So, I'm smoke free and have no urges to make myself feel ill, also I've lost another 6 lbs since I now have a working bike again, I've been using it daily, and ideally would like to keep using it daily.
Going to get the standing punch-bag working sometime soon so that I can have a hard cardio workout 2-3 times a week.
Anyway, back onto the intended topic, it is nice to see progress, for example I uploaded a photo of me on facebook recently and my brother commented how I'd lost weight, and to be honest with you readers, it made me happy to see that there must be noticeable changes happening.

It has been a LONG time since I posted this subsection, it was used only once before if I remember correctly.
Anyway today's invention is just some tricks to make life more exciting in tasks that might require some more motivation.
During my Degree in games design, I used to find meeting crazy deadlines difficult, so I started making desktop backgrounds in photoshop, they would have some text like "Days until JUDGEMENT" or something equally as crazy, with how many days remaining in a line, as the day passes the number of days shrinks and a meter moves along a line, on that line is the various milestones I'd set, so say after 5 days it might read "have concept art completed" anyway I used this method to keep me focused and organised making sure I'd hit deadlines and meet milestones.
Then during my Degree I had my first Dissertation to do, now I'll share a secret, I can type a lot of content fast, good in depth material about a subject and can really say I find meeting the required word count pretty easy.
But regardless of how easy you might find it, it still takes time and is pretty boring.
So to keep myself in track I would build a battle scene from a video game using sprites and have enemy's with hp (Usually with the amount of each sections word count) if I had to stop for 5 mins and get a break I'd update the image with how the battle was going.
Seems weird but making work feel like elements of something I enjoy, like games, it feels less bothersome and a little bit more fun than it would have been.
So my invention is not really a item, its the idea of converting mediocre things into fun things by relating them to things you enjoy.
So with my fitness, I was thinking of making a RPG game style state sheet, and make a means of keeping track of things like strength, speed etc.
And have it so once you meet the requirements you level up a area, this way you can treat the training process much like how games grind for skills on RPG games.
If I make one, I'll be sure to post it up here!
It is for an event in summer, it's not a breath taking piece but I'm trying to scout what the customers actually want as I have ideas but I want people to have the products they want.
Anyway this week a lot of designing has been taking place, after this blog update I have to get all the text for some of the sites sections finished off and sent to the programmer, something I failed to remember to do at the weekend.
Other than the new designs, there is nothing new to report in the business sector.

DAY 107:
Woke up too late.
Mineral water 1 pint.
cheese, bacon and chicken sub (2.5 grams of sat fats)
Chinese: Chrispy shredded chilli beef, egg fried rice and a few chips.
(Not had it in a while)
Day 107:
Light bike ride, 2 mile light run.
Last message
"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared."

I really like the team toko thing!
ReplyDeleteYeah me too, i'll definitely want a toko T from you, i'll want a mans though, i like the length. Lady T's leave me all exposed D:
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of a character sheet and leveling yourself up. Awesome :D
Thanks :D it's nice to get feedback :3