Back when I started this, a hundred days ago, I had decided that I wanted to make radical changes throughout all areas of my life, fitness, health, mental being and make my own business.
I started strong, getting the concepts of living in better ways, learning what things hold us back from making the changes we want so badly and identifying scenarios that lead to actions we take that we otherwise might avoid.
After getting the basic concepts down I became energized, and ready to tackle the problems I faced, and start making the important foundation changes that would eventually lead me to this day.
Foundation changes are all in the mind, as in life 90% of what we do is from thought first, thought governs decisions and also creates our own unique perspective of the world.
Once I learned that all emotions could be controlled to an extent and that all the negative thoughts we have contribute to our poor well being it dawned on me that this was probably the most important step of the evolution process.
The ability to critically analyse a situation not just in a black and white context but within a framework of our own perceptions and asking questions like "Why do I think that" and then seeing how something, a negative experience years ago is still influencing your decisions today.
The past is the past, no matter what you have done, or failed in the past, it was then, you are now and you can make anything happen.
I then learned that the best way to progress is to learn that you only fail at something if you learn noting from the experience, for example I could be jacking up a car, and suddenly the jack slips because it was not a level base for it to take the strain, if I did not learn the reason the jack slipped and never tried to jack a car again from the fear of the last try, that would be failure, but if you realised the problem and kept trying that is progress.
Then it was about the body, and getting the mind ready to accept new dietary changes such as alkalinity and reading about the actual contents of the food you consume, how it is used and why it effects us as it does.
Once the body and the mind are getting fit, your confidence is bolstered and then its a good time to start aiming for personal goals and ambitions. I wanted to work for myself but could never find a good niche to try and tackle, but recently I had a massive amount of luck and got in a position to invest in equipment to start my own business, I'll move onto that now!

Remember this from yesterday?
Well that is indeed the company logo, Rocket Punch Designs is a Clothing company I've almost completely set up selling my own designs to a large internet dwelling clientèle.
Since it is day 100, I'll also drop a sneak at a potential design for a event in summer.
It's exciting to reveal more about what I'm doing now, and look forward to talking a bit more in depth about the plans!!
The next step is the website, it is VITAL the website functions properly as I plan to make 90% of my sales through it, keeping the golden rule of never having to click more than 3 times to find, and purchase an item, keeping simple and smooth interface as well as the visual aesthetics to sell the lifestyles we are promoting.
I'm really excited as I've arranged a group of models for a photo shoot for the display images for the site, I'm going to have to persuade my farther to come and lend his photography skills as well as his very awesome camera.
So things are picking up, I'm learning how to be efficient in making designs and production of the T-shirts, I can't wait to show you lovely readers the website but that will have to wait until it is completed!
We also have our OWN theme song, Written for me by the awesome chiptune artist Ridorii!! Give it a listen.
Ridorii - Rocket Punch!!! by RidoriiWe also have our OWN theme song, Written for me by the awesome chiptune artist Ridorii!! Give it a listen.
This song's vibe is how I feel as I write this entry and realise just how much progress I have made, I'm twice as fit, twice as strong and now have a grip on what creates a negative feeling and can convert it into a learning experience so that I avoid it and stay happy and productive longer.
I'll Add the diet and stuff tomorrow, as today I've hardly eaten I've been too busy!
I really appreciate you, yes you the reader not because of hits or the feeling that I might be educating or even so badly wrong that it is amusing, but just because your donating time to something I've created.
We have been travelling together, and even if you read this out of boredom or some torturous exercise, but thanks, lets hope I can learn something interesting and keep this going for another hundred days.
Peace, you beautiful, beautiful readers!