Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Day 63: Falling into place!

This morning I've been in calls with suppliers of materials, FINALLY found 90% of what the business needs so I'm almost ready to go, and their is NO time like GO TIME!

With all the materials secured, finance secured, and designs in process it's actually scary to be in a position where I'm almost ready to get into the thick of it. I've still got to get the website running, I'm working on this.

I've got talks to take place Friday, by then I'll completely know where everything is, where I stand, and the suppliers.

So it's the the start of phase two, it's been interesting, I've got a lot of work done, I did some working out and running.

I've actually had no problem with the increase in exercise, I initially thought that I might struggle with the increase in exercise but it's actually not been to uncomfortable.
I prefer running at night, firstly, less traffic to have to concern myself with, and secondly the temperatures are much cooler (I hate too much heat).

Another thing about this change, is that by making it feel like I've hit another section in the challenge makes my effort higher as I feel that I've progressed, fitness and health wise defiantly.

I don't have a lot to say today, I've exhausted myself mentally, and physically, maybe I'll write something in the morning, as a kind of apology for the lack of content tonight.

DAY 63:

Blueberry yoghurt


Rustlers Chicken burger thing (low sat fats)


1 pint of mineral water
Half a chicken Korma
Small bowel of fries
Kemenan (lamb nan bread)
Day 63:

Light run
Weights, 3 sets of 7 reps of 34KG

Last message

"The only time you run out of chances is when you stop taking them."

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Day 62: PHASE 2

Welcome readers, you might have noticed some delay, well it is defiantly not due to laziness, more so the opposite, been rolling out all the late stages of my business.

I promise to reveal more soon, I've secured the funding, I'm in the process of finalizing the Business plan (refining) and working on all the pretty stuff.
A while back I'd have never thought I'd be in this position, a position where not only I'll be able to start using my ability's to generate some capital, but also do things that I've been putting off, like travelling China for example.

I've still got a bit to do, and a lot of materials to order, I'll try keeping on top of the blog, but I'll expect some days will contain shorter posts.

The main excitement is finally seeing everything I've been planning coming together, this is also a fundermental unit of the "Asphalt Wave" so needless to say but it's vital I get this all right so that the plan can progress.

I'll explain Phase 2, what it means and why it's initialized.
Phase two, or "Evolution stage 2" Is the acceleration of what's already been happening now that a routine is firmly established.

Phase Two Contents:

  • Increased Exercise (Daily pushing yourself) Running, Weights, Cycling, and "Legends Road" (Will spill the beans on this later)
  • Increased productivity (Notes daily, ideas, and at least 3 products a week created)
  • Increased Diet, (radically changing the management of the diet)
  • Making time twice a week to talk to friends in person
  • Working on maximizing work efficiency
  • Networking and working on sales
  • Enjoying the process, making play lists and setting weekly achievable goals.

As you can see Phase two is a refinement of phase one, which was only used as a warming up exercise for the real deal.
Refining, specialising and mastering all the areas to increase my life's potential.

Never mentioned WHY it's initialized!

Ok, well conditions were met for upgrading to Phase Two, firstly my weight has stabalized and is only slightly decreasing, as well as my fitness only slightly increasing. Now that the whole thing has reached routine, it's time to really push myself and try and hit Phase 3, it will not be easy as this will require a lot of physical exertion.

Anyway, when you do anything in life and the changes are minimal, make changes to your approach, in this case upgrade everything starting from the moment I wake tomorrow, it will be interesting to talk about how hard this will be!
DAY 62:

Cup of tea
Cheese roll


(worked through it)


1 pint of mineral water
Shepard's pie.
Chocolate souffle
Day 62:

Light run


Last message
"Destitutus ventis, remos adhibe"

"If the wind will not serve,
take to the oars."

Also a side note, I might be updating smaller segments in parts each day, so one day might consist of two parts!

Peace you beautiful readers!

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Easter greetings!

I do not normally post on weekends, but I will!


Monday, 18 April 2011

Approaching Birth

Taken From Foo fighters new album, I keep listing to it on repeat, take a listen if you think you'll like it.

Deep breath... IT'S GOOD TO BE BACK!!
Had a crazy week or two, I had the best birthday celebration yet, and have enjoyed summer weather (we are just in spring, it's been that hot here!) and also achieved some great relaxation.
My girlfriend has just returned home and it's all beginning to set in. Some post party blues but we must press onward!

I must admit the break was needed, it was strange going from blogging almost daily to not blogging at all, but this way has let me gather more thoughts to discuss!

What have I learned? Well after hoping in the last 10 years that someone would throw a party for my birthday or arrange something it's safe to say people are more than willing to attend, less than willing to organize, so I'm glad I arranged something otherwise it would have just been like all the other years.
At the party even some friend from far away turned up in the middle of the night, un-expected but very awesome, thank you!

Anyway, good weather is great for moods, it's a mixture of happiness from the sun (Vitamin C) and our natural neuron association's connected to good weather, for example when a child most kids liked good weather as it permitted you to go out and play.
I have good neuron association's to snow as I relate it to sledging and school days off, its interesting how are previous pre conceptions dictate our moods!

The logo has changed, as I feel I am at a new junction in my task of evolution, this will be better explained when the new logo is ready for it's deployment.

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.

- Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama

A lot in life can be rewarding, more so things that have no self benefit, selfless acts of charity.

At the weekend I volunteered to help at the Icceni Village being constructed near my town, these people helped me out before and even held my birthday party their, through no gain of their own, so I figured they lived a happy life and did so much for others that I would offer my services to them to help with a few projects. The project was to start construction on a two story roundhouse, the most impressive house in the village, built in a traditional way (the Icceni were Celts) So I worked their helping its construction. The work was hard, mostly heavy lifting but I did sleep well that night having earned a good night rest.

After it, I realised that I need to step up my game, so far I've been following a simple diet and eating structure and it is working, but not very quickly, and I'm also not getting nearly enough exercise in my days, so time to work a new schedule out, get back onto the weights every other day, and start morning or evening runs to shift more excess weight faster.
This will be reffered to as Evolution stage 2, Increasing effort and making lasting changes.

Tomorrow is a busy day, so I'll have to end this soon.

DAY 54:

1 pint of mineral water with lemon


Cup of tea, Lorraine Quiche, half a chocolate brownie.
1 pint of mineral water with lemon


1 pint of mineral water with lemon
English breakfast, Egg poached, 80% pork sausage, branston beans, bacon trimmed and toast.
Day 54:

Light run, Light bike ride.


Last message

What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?

- Vincent van Gogh

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

LVL up


For those unaware, I'm VERY close to becoming another year older, and as a result this year I decided to celebrate my birthday, normally I'd not really do anything.

But now I have a new found self respect I feel that I might deserve to go nuts and have some fun!

So it is unlikely that there will be many posts until Monday, however if I find a little time I might add some interesting thought I might have had.

Diet is going to take a slight dent, but rest assured it will all be in the name of fun, so, peace out readers, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! :D

Monday, 4 April 2011


Today has been CRAZY busy!

You might have noticed yet again that I missed out Friday's post.
No idea how, or why this is a reoccurring thing, my apologies, I post almost daily so I can be forgiven for some slight slacking.

Woke up this morning with a ton of things to do, looking into more raw resources, shopping for right prices and reading reviews.
Then had a ton of calls to make, followed by meeting the bank, then heading off to my parents to find out they are willing to invest in my business, this was a nice feeling.
Problem is until now I've not needed any outside help, and prided myself on it, but I often say pride comes before a fall so decided to stop being bone headed and take whatever support people wish to offer, good moral boost.

Still have to secure another half of the finances, but that is coming together nicely.

Later on I visited the accountant and watched as I actually created a near perfect Business plan. (insert happy face emoticon)
So after going through a few things and having my financial perspective tweaked yet again I find myself just at a frustrating point of just getting started.
Well this week will be focused on getting the plan fully up to scratch, getting more products created, and getting the vital raw material cost finalized... busy and hectic, but productive.

As for the diet, I've stuck to the constant lemon and mineral water drinking, it has had the largest effect with digestion, mood and health.
Burning fat faster and consistently, just have to keep to not snacking after 6pm.

Working out has increased now since I started to dip, now using the bench more and making sure to try and get one or two good rides / runs in.

In other news my bike seems to have developed a weird grinding noise and its performance has dropped drastically, I hope the business is up and running soon so I can purchase a better bike.

Also, this Wednesday is my birthday (celebrating on Friday/Saturday/Sunday) and this will obviously have an effect on my diet, so I expect to gain a couple of pounds over this period.

DAY 41:

Cheese roll (crusty) with smoked ham and cheese, flora pro active to replace usual butter.
1 pint of mineral water with lemon


Cheese roll (crusty) with smoked ham and cheese, flora pro active to replace usual butter.
1 pint of mineral water with lemon
*It was so nice I had it twice*


1 pint of mineral water with lemon
English breakfast, Egg poached, 80% pork sausage, branston beans, bacon trimmed and toast.
Day 37:

Weights, reps of 35KG, 5 sets of 10.


Last message

Relax with some chill out trance, its what I needed to just wind down.

Peace out you beautiful, BEAUTIFUL readers!!