"A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows the public opinion" - Chinese Proverb
Hello, It is Friday, and as promised I will share what the working week has taught me.
You have followed me in my journey on self development, it's interesting and exciting for me!
To start with, I faked my enthusiastic nature, well by faking what I mean is I really tried to focus my energy into making my brain associate self development with pleasure and excitement.
Soon enough I managed to program myself to associate these things.
This gave me a little extra boost, I know enjoy learning the process and actions that help create a successful transition from what I was, to what I want to become!
What do I want to become?
Firstly, I have worded this not in the correct way, and this is important, the way you word things will actually help dictate them as they become common to your vocabulary, and as the saying "monkey see, monkey do" go's, by saying that sentence I'm focusing on the main actioning word which in this sentence was "want".
By changing this to "will" my brain will start to believe this way of thinking, and do some extent I will become whatever the subject is.
So the correct way to word this would be "What will I become?".
I will become healthy: Lose up to 2 Stone.
I will become Physically fit: Toned and defined body
I will become wealthy: By this I mean I will have assets generating cash from investments.
I will become a successful: In whatever business I undertake I will become successful at it.
I will live abroad: Living in a better climate, both economically and weather.
Remember what I was going on about with phrasing?
Well my challenge to you is to start thinking in alternative formats.
For example, common phrases like "I can't afford it" and "I can't do it" should be replaced with "How can I afford it?" and "How can I do it?".
Always challenge yourself to fix problems that you would otherwise reject, you might surprise yourself.
So anyway This weeks Data!
Weight Decrease: -6 pounds.
Exercise level: I feel a lot lighter, better breathing.
Food: Was hungry a lot the first few days, now that it is a routine I can say that the hunger has subsided.
Sleep: Sleep was weird to start, it was hard to force myself to sleep earlier, but now I'm reaping the benefits of a 12pm sleep, waking at 7-9am.
(Used to sleep at 3-6am until mid day)
Eating habits: I've switched my eating habits completely, I now eat a large meal in the morning (Wake up hungry) And then have a medium meal at lunch and then finally a small meal for dinner (No later than 6:30pm usually).
Mood: During getting used to the different changes my mood was still very good, mostly from the ways I've changed my thinking I've noticed I laugh a LOT, and it made me realise that I rarely laugh these days.
Negative points: little time to myself to relax and unwind, usually very tired before I sleep and I've started to try helping others change their lives, when really its not my job to, not until I've at least sorted myself out.
Things to do: Sort out my bedroom and optimize it for work, and finally get my schedule finalized and keep a journal.

DAY 7:
English breakfast: Branston beans, 2X Bacon (Fat removed), 2 80% pork sausages(more pork equals less fat and connective tissue), 2 slices of toast and a poached Egg (Greatly more healthy AND more tasty than a fried egg).
1 Half pint of Blueberry Juice
Whole Lamb Shank (Slow Cooked for 4 hours) and mash potato
Weetabix X3 Semi skimmed milk.
Day 6:
DDR, light session, legs ache a little bit.
Last message
Met up with a friend today, had a really good time and winded down in the pub, it was just what I needed...
Oh and the answer to the title?
Well a lot of people only live their lives by what they are told or by what others think is an acceptable life, even the so called youth factions of today, emo, punk or rocker they all have peers that dictate what style, music and lifestyle they should choose, which in turn is not a decision at all!
Choose more, choose what makes sense to you, choose your own opinion, choose your own culture and choose to live YOUR life through YOUR eyes.
Nothing really matters when things don't matter to you.
I listen to a massive spectrum of music, nearly every genre in fact.
I once had the pleasure of learning multiple times, from different people from different sub cultures that they were in fact all the same culture, re packaged and distributed to make money.
I had mentioned music I liked, or wore a band related item of clothing, and people would either be excited that I liked something they liked or if I liked something they did not like, that in fact I was ridiculed for it.
Now the same thing happens with football, and teams (a well know way to control the anger of the masses, since Roman times) and rockers with different bands, and scene kids with what style clothing you were in or gamers and what games you play and rich kids comparing what you own or have and even the council estate people judging what you wear.
They all fit in line, the packages change but the people fall in line, so company's can make money and profit from your so called intellectuality.
You never get a guy ridicule you, or even dislike you because of the type of fast food chain you eat at or what type food or drink you like, or even the cigs you smoke or even the places you get your shopping!
No, because these things can be viewed universal, everyone wants to eat different foods, smoke or drink, because it makes massive money and helps link the people that claim to be different.
Being different is to remove prejudice, to be intelligent and realize all these different control mechanisms.
TV will program you to like different things, it really is a hate machine, spewing biased media, soul destroying adverts and constantly face raping you with lifestyles you should be living.
To break free and be individual would be to firstly realize all the things that make us the same, breaking free from the worlds media grip, realize that your consistently
lied too, sold and force sold what the corporations want you to have.
Even how much we should weight or how beautiful we should be...
Madness... use the brain to make decisions, look at adverts, see how they employee emotion to sell you things you do not need.
Seems obvious but people are still held by the chains, and I just want us all to break free.
Peace, you beautiful readers.

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