Evening, I'm going to jump right into the thick meaty subject of time, and the time of your life.
Its a common concept that the time of your life is the younger years of your life, I somewhat disagree, it would be foolish to assume that there were no perks to being of a younger age but there are also a few fundamental aspects that lead me to believe that the time of your life can only happen when you finally decided to live it!
By living it I don't mean skydiving and other extremities, I mean the things that make lasting change, things like deciding that the wages your paid are too low, or deciding to quit your job and become self employed.
Some facts about Work I've recently learnt.
The average man/woman in his/her career prime works for three to four people:
1. His/her boss, who by working for him/her helps make his/her business more successful.
2. The Government, through enormous tax, when you add all the tax's together you lose on average 65% of your total earnings, you effectively work from January to may solid, paying nothing but tax's if you combined it.
3. The Bank, whom with the average persons card expenditures and enormous mortgage, which you will be paying off until you hit retirement, only to have a house that has the chance to depreciate in value or medically find yourself in a position where you can no longer live there.
Finally, in my opinion most peoples biggest problem.
4.Yourself, buying luxuries that instantly lose value that end up becoming liabilities!
We all know the people who as soon as excess cash comes into their hands its blown on a TV or car, things that as soon as you walk out the shop lose half their value. Buying financial Liabilities, through the expense of net earnings is going to keep you in the rat race, always struggling and just getting by then maybe you start a family well your income will have to increase to accommodate the new expenditure, then you need a bigger house, so you work harder to get the money to keep all these things and eventually work your life away for a pension that will be worse off than you had been while working.
I once learn't:
"wealth is not how much you earn, its how much you have left"
So start thinking about all the things you buy, or think you want that are actually liabilities?
I mean its absurd to assume that I'm saying never buy things you want, but make your money work for those things, buy assets and not liabilities.
So I feel the time of your life is this instant, right now, you need to act and make the changes you want, don't be that person that is hoping their problems will just sort themselves out or that "If I can just win the lottery" because five, ten, fifteen years down the line you'll be regretting not reminiscing.
Make the changes now, make use of your time effectively and don't put off changes any longer, now is the time of your life!
Next point, I was Driving to sort out a load of business seminars and while listening the song by Muse "knights of Caledonia" I heard a sentence that made me stop and think, its something that's very horribly obvious, but only when it clicks do you realise its full meaning and really look at your own life.
"Don't waste your time or time will waste you"
It's like I said its obvious right? I mean if your wasting time you are not moving forward, but phrased like it is really makes sense, we all have a time-line and expiration date.
Like a Tomato, you get it a little green, it slowly turns red, then finally wins and rots, if you buy a load of fruit and you find its all rotten what do you think?
That's right it's a "waste" now when you analyse the statement, why is it a waste?
Well some will say it's because you was going to eat it or in the case of this sounding more coherent you'd say it had a use and never reached its potential by being used to its maximum.
Same applies to us, we are not here forever, so our time has to be watched carefully, if you start to waste time (and believe me I've done way too much of that) your potential is slipping you by!
We often confuse watching the TV as entertainment, but what purpose does it really have?
Its nice for me to sit and watch documentaries or even relax with some shows but what am I really getting from it?
I'll tell you, your getting force fed adverts, consistently and assuming you watched advert free channels (if they still even exist) then all your effectively doing, in its most basic form, is sitting (usually in a bad posture) facing a plastic box and usually snacking.
If you watch two hours of TV a day or more, my challenge to you is to spend at least one of those in a productive manner, maybe go for a jog or bike ride, maybe even catch up on some work you should have done or even call a relative, something more than vegetating in front of a plastic square.

DAY 3:
Yoghurt (fruit strawberry)
1 Pint of Juice
1 Cup of Coffie 1 sugars.
Shepard's pie
(Lamb, Broccoli, Chillies, spring onion, pepper, garlic, dried chilliX1)
Pint of Mineral water.
Day 1:
Bike ride (1 mile)
1 Hour of Cardio (DDR)
Last message
So today was hard to wake up, I spent too long writing my blog, and ended up trying to sleep at 1am, ended up tossing and turning until 4am, terrible as I needed to be up for around 9am.
Will sleep like a log tonight!
Thanks for reading, any questions or comments feel free to write them, I'll answer what I can.

ReplyDeleteJust leaving a comment is enough for me :D!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your experience. During our young age, we dont have any responsbilties apart from enjoying life. Once we cross certain age in our life then we think of getting into next stage(Working and earning money) of life.
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