Today, I failed at something.
Sometimes (more often to some) we all fail what we try to achieve, but it's the perception of failure that also is different when you look into the thinking of various successful people.
making failure into success is simple, its completely about mindset and like with most decisions in life, it's also about detaching emotions to those decisions.
To create success out of failure you need to re program your thinking, once you realise the very simple yet fundamental approach towards failure you will never fail again.
"Failure is a means to success!"
When you fail something, get up and try again in a different way while learning the lessons from the last fail, by doing this you educate yourself towards good decisions.
People that make good decisions and are successful are only that way because they did what others could not, and that is persevere!
Keep trying, changing approaches.
To make good decisions, you first have to understand what are bad decisions, when you make a decision, if it's bad you learn and try again, soon enough all the experiences from those bad decisions will equate to good decisions.
Whenever you're doing something, think to yourself "what is the outcome?" by that I mean for an example, your going out to see a friend, by asking yourself what the outcome might be you can manage it effectively!
A lot of people go to their friends houses or go to do something without really thinking what it is they want as an outcome, and as a result become bored or stuck for things to do.
Its a lot like exercise, saying "I'm going for a run" will result in just running until your tired, returning and feeling possibly satisfied.
If you say "I'm going to run 3 kilometres, its much more likely you will reach your goal and feel a sense of achievement.
By applying this thought process to your everyday life you will see fast changes in the productivity of your day, making you more efficient and also boost your moral.
Like I said at the start, I failed something today, it is the second time in a row I failed it even after attacking the issue at a different angle, I will just keep trying different angles and learn until I succeed.
Finally for today, I decided that carrying a notebook is essential in learning how things work and effect your life.
Keeping notes of things that you hear or see can become vital, by re-reading things over and over they begin to stick to you and you'll remember them more effectively!
Something I have noticed is that people really do think that becoming successful and/or wealthy is impossible.
One vital thing I learned is this:
"School Conditions you to being an employee, not an employer"
And it's true, education, TV and even the government all tell you, go to school, get good grades, go to university and get a safe job.
The government and world government, much like ant queens, want workers, not other competing queens.
Don't think for a second that you need a safe secure job, don't think for a second you can't make it big.

DAY 4:
1 bowl of Bran-flakes (no sugar)
1 Pint of Ice mineral water with a slice of lemon
(My replacement for cordial and fizzy drinks)
Cheese Toasted sandwich
1 Pint of Ice mineral water
Small Fry up (Poached Egg, 80%pork sausages x2 small, 2 rashers of bacon fat cut off, branston beans and two slices of toast)
Day 1:
Wii Fit
Weights (dumbells)
Abs turner
Last message
There will be people that doubt your changes, they will not understand the process that will eventually make you successful rich and have the body you desire.
You will experience ridicule from their doubt and fear if you start to succeed.
My advice is simple, much like my friend said in my first post don't make it a big deal to your friends/family and it wont be taken as a big deal.
Peace out you beautiful readers!
If I posted ways to cook things that are healthy and still yummy or even techniques to shaving off sat fats etc, would you readers want them?
(Been thinking about it but I won't do it if nobody has a need for it)

Do it, good advice over how to avoid sat fats never hurt anyone and I can pass on the great advice to my friends who are dieting too. :D