So, Welcome to Monday readers, or what is left of it anyway.
I've been busy relaxing, it's actually not something I'm accustom to, normally I'd be working a little bit each day but ignoring the outcome from doing so.
Since I took this challenge to better myself, I've noticed, asfter a few days anyway, that I now laugh a LOT, and before hand, I might smile of do that lazy half laugh at semi amusing things but now I'm catching myself actually tipping my head back with full on laughter.
I'm not sure if it's the excitement of knowing I can achieve what I'm setting out to do or if it is in fact some psychological effect being lifted from carefree amusement, either way I'm very happy indeed.
I spent Saturday indoors mostly. I did DDR a little bit and noticed my stamina had also improved a lot!
Saturday's weather was very poor, and I decided that to spice up the weekend that me and a few mates would ride into the sun seeking adventure, weather permitting of course.
I checked online to see the forecast, it seemed like Sunday was going to be a nice day, so I set about the procedures of the adventure. Me and one of the friends went to his place to make a bike for the other guy joining us as he did not own a bike.
I really wanted the other guy to come so it was important that he had the ability to, he is also stretched with work so it was important to give him the release that I knew we were going to achieve with an adventure.
We built a crude bike, it was nothing amazing, the numbered gears did not work but the high-low ratio one did, so it was just about "usable".
Sunday came, and I awoke to crystal blue skies and a warm breeze, seemed my karma was paying off!
On a Sunday I go visit my parents for a roast dinner, however recently that has been a bit hit and miss as when I'm in Birmingham they are making a roast, and when I'm back home they have other things to do and attend.
I love my parents, they feed me and love me unconditionally but they aren't as worldly as they might believe, you know the people, kinda have their own set ways of doing things and think anything a bit unusual or different is somewhat frighting.
It comes from the Physiological fear of orchestration, the fear of standing out.
They believe that by doing the same things that others do yeild the results that are defined as normal, and as a result we shop where others shop or buy that car that will get the attention of others or even opinions that the media force feed you on a daily basis.
Anyway, I got my mother to read this, and as I predicted she reacted weirdly, using words like brainwash, and in some sense she is correct, I want to wash your brains CLEAN, its from all the daily brainwashing that we become the dutiful tax payers.
The rich get richer, the middle class pay the rich and the poor exist to remind the middle class why they should keep working.
Its the irrational fear of difference that still as a species holds us back today, we see race as difference, we see wealth as difference, we see politics and religion as difference.
My political agenda is unbiasd, I personally don't think any of the apparent "options" we have are the right option, and I do firmly believe in the new world order as a concept, call me a conspiracy theorist if you will but I also don't believe that we are powerless.
If you want some interesting info, look at this video.
BUT before you do, remember, as with all things, look at an opinion, then look at the evidence around that and finally make your opinion.
Its the best way today to see when something is manipulation and when something is factual.
If your capible of critical analysis then you should have no problem seeing the truths and lies in this video.
It is a long video, and I perfectly understand that people do not have the time, you however only really need the audio.
Ok,global politics aside, my parents will never understand what I'm currently doing, and as with the majority of my life, explaining it to them will not fix this, so as with most aspects of my life I've kept myself to myself, as a good strategist you just know what battles you can win and those you cannot.
Back to the weekend adventure, I left my parents a little later than predicted, and rushed to the location we were going to meet, I thought one of the members would not turn up, as the previous night we had a few drinks.
He was there, it was exciting that the plan was coming into fruition!
We saddled up and rode off into the sun, the task? Find a pub named the "Three swallows", it was about 10-12 miles away and the road we was taking was the coast road, watching the ocean and amazing views on route.
The ride was long, and we had to frequently do stints on the bike we made, it was difficult to ride over the hilly landscape.
The bikes were as follow:
My bike:
Name: "The mizasuke 6"
Weight: (heavy)
Comfort: (High)
Speed: (Fast)
Gear combinations: (32)
Terrain: (All)
Conrtol: (Very good)
Breaks: (Very good)
Modules: (Mud guards, Front suspension, Glasses holder, Dice caps)
Mr J's bike:
Name: "Wells Breeze"
Weight: (light)
Comfort: (low)
Speed: (Very Fast)
Gear combinations: (1)
Terrain: (Road)
Conrtol: (difficult)
Breaks: (Terrible)
Modules: (Tire pump, Lights)
The bike we built for Mr K:
Name: "Green Dragon: Mode: Impact"
Weight: (heavy)
Comfort: (average)
Speed: (Very slow)
Gear combinations: (2)
Conrtol: (average)
Breaks: (average)
Terrain: (All)
Modules: (Back frame saddle support)
So as you see the bike we built was pretty tragic, so we took turns using it, but that hardship grew us closer, teaming up to tackle a problem all in the aid of arriving at the pub, it was a long ride, and was very hard work, in my stint with the green dragon, I had to give it almost my all to beat a blind summit hill on route, it reminded me that I'm getting stronger but I still have a long way to go.
Once we reached the pub, I bought a pint of IPA smooth, it is not my normal drink of choice, I prefer spirits, but it was just what I needed, me and my fellow adventures sat basking in the sunset enjoying a pint, it was then I realised this was what I needed, that thrill of adventure that chasing of a destination!
And I also realised this is why I'm so happy, it is because I decided that by the end of the year I wanted to be wealthy, not just in the financial perspective but also in life as a whole.
This destination that is causing so much excitement and making each day an interesting journey of self development.
I know I will reach it, and I know that I will enjoy all the process behind it!
Onto today, Monday:
I have not achieved much today in amount but I have purchased a home weights bench, I needed one, and it saves money from gyms etc, so that is now set up in my room that now resembles a gym more than a bedroom.
There is the weight bench with weights, dumbbell, abs turner, and a abs cruncher, its not a lot in some respects but it is just what I needed to de-stress myself each morning and night, so I can now do the running and still do weights without having to hit the gym!
Today has been a set up for the week, I need to buckle down tomorrow and really hit some one of the issues I've faced, create new milestones and get a hold of the weeks before it passes.
I really wish I had more time to add more details, but if I have eventful weekends I'll report on them on the Monday, and as you guessed I really distance from work and the blog during weekends.

DAY 10:
Refer to lunch ( I woke up late as my room has no light when the weather is bad, also alarm was not set)
Morrisons Breakfast, it was terrible but I had to eat and I was out and needed something fast, a bad choice but sometimes you have to work with what you have.
1 Mocha (2 sugars)
Not a small dinner as I missed breakfast.
Had the other half of the rack of lamb, with mash potato.
1 Pint of cranberry and blueberry drink on ice.
Day 10:
After a heavy cardio day yesterday during the bike ride, Today I set up the weight bench and have been doing reps of 7 35KG all day, its not super heavy but by making the raising slow and the decline slow it really is working the muscles.
Remember the speed of an exercise can greatly raise it's effectiveness.
Last message
I don't have too much to say today, however I'd like to present you with a problem, I was wondering what you think is the most common excuse for people being stuck in a position they dislike, but yet do nothing?
So, what excuse, and why do you think that.. comment below, also if you have any friends you might think would take an interest in a bolg like this, please send them this way, this week I'll be promoting this blog to see what kind of a community this blog can create!

Peace you beautiful, beautiful readers!