Spring is
here, the sun in out and the very gloomy and record breaking cold
winter the UK has just had is but a mere frosty fog on the lens of
our memories. I'm sure, like myself you've noticed a drop in
posts and to make this up to you and myself I'm currently taking a
train back from London to my home-town It only just occurred to me
that I could write my posts in advance to save me work in the
evenings which is my normal posting time. The main issue is simple; I've gone from a slow pace of life to what is now a constant stream
of things creating disturbance and distraction in my normal posts.
I’ll talk about a few of the things I've been up to anyway.
I have to fit into a day on average:
- Eating well (breakfast, lunch, dinner).
- 1.5 Hours in the Gym.
- Work on my Business (Which includes):
Product Design
Business Model and strategy
Streamlining workflow
Social media presence
Designing new products
Maintaining strong supplier relations
Email Sifting
Arrange photo shoots
Work on Shoots
Arrange, and edit images after finding right shots
Branding and Company Identity
Setting and meeting milestones
Organising all documentation and filing
Conceptualising new directions
- Work on various Freelance design work.
- Work a job (at the moment I've got some intern work).
- Host game nights (most nights).
- Attend a hobby club on Wednesdays.
- Work on miscellaneous personal projects.
- Visit parents once a week
- Skype my girlfriend in the night when not in London
- Skype friends and family when in London
- Update
- Update Various Facebook pages and groups
Things I
have coming up that I need to find space for:
- Birthday of a good friend
- My own birthday
- 2 weeks intern work
- 2 weeks in a clinical trail testing Flu vaccines (It’s really helpful for other people and I also get paid to do it)
- Dental Surgery
- A event at London I may be attending to set up a stall
- Freelance work creating designs, manufacturing and printing T-Shirts for another event
- Creating a cheap range designs and prints to sell off old out-dated stock
So as you
can see, I'm pretty busy and updating the Blog isn't a speedy
system, I normally write it up, and upload the various images you see
on here like the headers etc, this all takes time! My average Blog
post takes just under 2 hours, which in the grand scheme of things is
a huge amount of time!
However, I
do not view it as work or even a service. I view this blog as a way
of relaxing and noting down things that (most of the time) will help
other people save money and time or just provide what I consider
invaluable information I've discovered or learnt the hard way.
Anyway as you can see I've got a pretty tight schedule, so from now on I'm going to have to put to good use any waste time(like the long train journey to London) to get things lower on my list completed.
I hope everyone is well, oh and on the fitness and health front, I'm doing ok!
Anyway as you can see I've got a pretty tight schedule, so from now on I'm going to have to put to good use any waste time(like the long train journey to London) to get things lower on my list completed.
I hope everyone is well, oh and on the fitness and health front, I'm doing ok!

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