The person in this photograph (it's the least intrusive photo I own of said person) is one of my closest friends, who for the sake of this blog, is called Jeff Nerval (That is a fake name... I know you know, but I was just checking... all right, calm down I'll carry on!).
I've known Jeff for a large number of years, since my last year in Highschool if I remember correct (which I often can't thanks to the whole memory issue thing discussed before)
Anyway I digress, when I met Jeff he was just another guy in a bunch of guys who all spent our weekends causing trouble, going on adventures and drinking heavily.
Fun Jeff Fact# 1:
I accidently made Jeff quit drinking alcohol when I jokingly told him to "down it" when he was sipping from a 70cl of Vodka... He then, to everyone's surprise, downed it, fell off a cemetery wall onto a tombstone, ran off into the night and eventually "instant-translocated" (Don't ask) before having to go to hospital and have his stomach pumped. He didn't drink for around 10 years.
Throught the years Jeff has been a constant, he has obviously grown up a lot as have we all but the adventures mostly came to an end once he became addicted to online gaming.
The reason this is put into the past section (even if we are still currently very close friends) is because he is the one friend I've never had a major issue with. Sure I have my minor niggling things, but that's part of who he is and I'm not deluded in thinking I'm perfect, far from it.
Jeff Grievances:
1. Smokes heavily... what makes it worse is that he wants to quit. Now I'm no fool, I know it's not something that's easily quit (Having done so myself, 5 years ago), but every time he lights one up I envision that his life span slowly decreases, and as one of my closest friends that's painful to think about possibly having to attend his funeral. Now I'm also aware that it's a silly viewpoint, anyone can die at any point for any number of reasons. But I think about a lot of things often.
2. Is highly addicted to gaming, to the point where reality has little meaning.
Now it sounds excessive, but I'm 90% sure that if his PC / gaming devices died, and there was no way to get a new one he would actually be struck with the reality of life. Now the longer this happens, the harder reality is to accept. He says he'd be bored, which is probably now true. But he wasn't born on a PC, and used to spend a lot of time outside just messing about. Now as Jeff is in his mid 20's it's not as if I'd expect him to hang out at the arcades, but I think the problem is that he hasn't found a real passion. Gaming isn't even a passion of his, just a way to kill time otherwise he'd look into screen play, level design, sound design, storytelling, user experiences or even make youtube / blogs about games he reviews.
I might be wrong, but to me, gaming is to him what watching the TV is to others, a past time, a window of enjoyment that can never last, but more importantly, detracts you from what is real.
Basically I think the guy still needs to find his passion / hobby / interest.
3. Has low self worth.
For many reasons which are not for me to discuss, life has told this guy you're not good enough. Reality is that this guy is great! He has solid opinions that even if he's talking to someone with the opposite viewpoint he'd eventually say "fair enough" and not hold it against someone.
Respecting peoples opinions, more so when they differ to your own shows a high level of maturity and advancement in compassion.
4. There is no 4. See, what a great friend this guy makes!
Fun Jeff Fact# 2: For someone who has a fairly unhealthy diet and lifestyle, Jeff can backflip, front flip and pretty much any other crazy thing on a trampoline.
All I really want to talk about, past wise, is that no matter what I've been like (and I've been many things) he has been a constant. I really think highly of the guy and just want him to realise that he's 25. He's seen little of the world and has nothing tying him down, whenever he finds the whale (Read last post for reference) no matter where I am, I'll help him track it down.
(This photo is old, but it's purpose is still used today)
Oddly, this is one of my most sensitive photos, it has huge significance to me.
Oddly, this is one of my most sensitive photos, it has huge significance to me.
I took this photo 4 months deep in depression (around 5 years ago), on a cocktail of meds and I took this photo.
What is important is that when I took this photo, I thought I was smiling and taking a flattering selfie in good light and looking happy.
The reality is that the drugs made me a zombie, I had grown what can only be described as a homeless beard, I was overweight and sleeping constantly. When I saw the image (some time later) it made me realise what the drugs and depression had turned me into, I didn't like it and made some big changes.
I show myself this image very often, to remind me when I've fallen that I've not even fallen as close to the bottom of the pit as I had before, and if I had the power to crawl back up that jaggard cliff, I can do so again.
Never give up.
What is important is that when I took this photo, I thought I was smiling and taking a flattering selfie in good light and looking happy.
The reality is that the drugs made me a zombie, I had grown what can only be described as a homeless beard, I was overweight and sleeping constantly. When I saw the image (some time later) it made me realise what the drugs and depression had turned me into, I didn't like it and made some big changes.
I show myself this image very often, to remind me when I've fallen that I've not even fallen as close to the bottom of the pit as I had before, and if I had the power to crawl back up that jaggard cliff, I can do so again.
Never give up.
The future is looking interesting, with these large projects in the works I plan for the future to buy a really high-end graphics tablet and a high profile laptop so I can do digital painting on the move.
After work, and Gym I'm beat, I'm calling this post for tonight.
FINAL WORDS: (Like Jerry Springer hahaha)
Hold onto good friends, good friends will be there for you no matter what or how long you've not spoken. Make sure to let them know that you appreciate them.
Never let your past dictate your future, but importantly learn from it.
And lastly, keep trying new things and upping your game at what you think you know. You'd be surprised what more can be discovered!